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How to know if vehicles are on? Or are they on all servers?

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Quick random question.

How do you know if vehicles are on a server? Or are they on anyway?

Me and friend spent 9hours running around the entire map, started at Cherno and went far right, up and around to the top airfield and then weaved back down and did not find a single one to fix or do up.

Not sure if they are on all servers or turned off. Also I know what 3D thing is, but what is the CH: on/off thing mean? Not sure what CH is.

Been on Dayz all day today so off to bed, just want to know what servers have them on so we can play and find them. Too much running lol.


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CH means cross hairs. Vehicles should always be on, but there is a chance that a clan has already gotten the main ones and is hoarding them in their base.

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most servers have them all stashed somewhere by other players. I have been spending my time roaming the North border of the woods. So far I have found 1 fully geared and working ATV.

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Yup, sounds like they have them stashed. I just found a fully working tractor, I got so excited I drove it straight into a tree. It blew up and I bled to death.

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You have to get lucky and find them. Me and two friends were out an about at Stary Sobor and a clan drove north in a V35 and we slaughtered them. The truck was fully loaded with multiple of each high end weapons including M4A1 SD, AS50, M107, M24, about 5 sets of GPS, NVG, Rangefinders, and the list goes on and on. Plenty of supplies to keep us driving around for weeks fully stocked with ammo and everything. When you get lucky and find one, it's usually been stashed to the limit by people hoarding items inside it. You just have to be lucky enough to find one that's either abandoned, or catching a group of people off guard.

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