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Most intense firefight of my life

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You screaming like a girl when you were getting shot was the best part. Hilarious video. lol

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WOW the haters! What is this need to downgrade others to feel better about yourself? It seems to me that you are the ones that need some help.... +1 for the vid was funny :D

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I was mostly scared from you, but props to them for staying in!

Edited by lyl1x

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lol love it xxnickpwnsxx ,

This is how DayZ gets you, blood pumping , fully immersed.

This is RAW emotions guys. What was Rockets aim again ? .... Thats right, and thats why we play DayZ.

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What capture software are you using, that was clean footage. If you don't mind, or anyone for that matter, hit me with some suggestions in my inbox. I'm torn on which one to pick.

I'm running a heavy pc.

6100 hex core and

16g ddr3 gskill sniper ram

Asus m990x motherboard

560ti oc.

Any suggestions would help. Thanks!

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What capture software are you using, that was clean footage. If you don't mind, or anyone for that matter, hit me with some suggestions in my inbox. I'm torn on which one to pick.

I'm running a heavy pc.

6100 hex core and

16g ddr3 gskill sniper ram

Asus m990x motherboard

560ti oc.

sell half of your RAM

and with that money buy dxtory (best gaming video capture ever)

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Beans to you! Amazing job against 5-6 on your own!

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You sir, are annoying to listen to.

Good vid though. :)

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Hahahahaahhaa, this made my day. The way you scream-... Holy crap man.

Take my beans, that was funny.

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unless its weed.....dayz and weed, best combination ever,


Edited by xxnickpwnsxx

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This video's should've been like this

"Worst DayZ Player screaming like a baby who is hungry"

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