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PvP - server hopper solutions?

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Hi there,

I love the violent and unpredictable nature of the DAYZ mod experience, and I absolutely adore the zero restrictions on how players can confront one another in their battle for survival. I think meta-gaming or taking advantage of exploits such as server hopping (or obsessing over spawn areas for high tech military weaponry) and the types of individuals (who might then play as griefers and or exploitatively) could simply be resolved by limiting the amount of as i see it (for the game environment) disproprotionately effective weaponry - esepecially sniper rifles.

The effectiveness of sniper rifles (and the players who obsess over their aquisition) often relates directly to their prodigious useage against players who (themselves will not rush for those weapons or sit around sites or spawn sites.) The other consequence of (rampant sniping and advanced loot that allows this - is the overt metagaming to acquire them.)

I believe that Day Z can provide a better gameplay experience by focussing on the range and diversity of short to medium range weapons (including albeit with limited cosmetic animation melee weapons.) Limiting 'sniper rifles' to something akin to a bolt action, would still allow for a sniper player character class.

Thus we could see I believe, more gunfights at the close/medium range level, and less point and click scope killing... with less 'qualitive' difference between weapons there will be less obsession over the aquisition of any 'best' weapons.

I think some folks were talking about 'end game' in the other threads or the 'objective' as for many more experienced players this simply becomes (aquisition of sniper rifles.... killing players etc.) More options to allow for a individiaul personal experience of the environment (including its manipulation) ie. being able to build bases, tents, customisable character classes (at least in apparel) will allow for players to reflect themselves in more complex and personal ways. This way players can produce their own end game - expanding things like their bases, homes, etc. This is where DayZ has enormous potential - to give the option for survivors to recreate a new civilisation in the midst of apocalypse - that is the fun of where psychologically teamed players or individuals might go.

I think the mod is heading in the right direction, but i do wish there would be consideration for a 'trial' severely limiting the scope weapons - and keeping the vast majority in iron site land :)


1) Focus on short to medium range combat.

2) Reduce over-powered weapons that reward meta-gaming play styles and abuse.

3) More RPG character options, for interaction with their environment and character.

Edited by lawriejaffa

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There is only one solution.

Server location tied to each server you join not global like it is now.

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I dont know - it might localise the same problems gibonez? Where as my proposals would be server wide - i reckon with an immediate and positive effect on play. A sniper with an abundance of lootable semi-automatic sniper rifles versus the same sniper with a bolt action is still gonna play like a sniper... which is good we dont want to limit playability - but at least it reduces the effectiveness of such a play-style over others.

Little things like that really!

Edited by lawriejaffa

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