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Vehicle count per server?

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I searched the forums and google and couldnt find any information. Is there a certain amount of vehicles that can be active on the server at one time? I've heard people tossing around like 30 or so as if they heard it somewhere. Server I play on the majority I've seen about 15 including bicycles and searched the entire in game map with a few friends and found pretty much nothing which makes me believe there can be a small amount or people are still storing vehicles off map and just moving them once a day to avoid the 24 hour inactive despawn.

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Might as well be 0. I've never seen one, even in a repairable state.

There are online maps with the spawn locations, so they are all already gone.

Your only chance is finding one where somebody hid it.

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There's tons of vehicles that spawn and aren't shown on the map at all. Just need to keep looking, once you get the hang of finding vehicles you'll pretty much always have them.

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So if the server is "provided by" a clan or some group that plays the game, they have them all and are keeping them from respawning every day off map.

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There's tons of vehicles that spawn and aren't shown on the map at all. Just need to keep looking, once you get the hang of finding vehicles you'll pretty much always have them.

I have found a few repairable ATV's that are not on any of the maps. Most of the maps out there cut off like 2 rows of grids on the top and there are some spawns up there. I've found several vehicles people have hid but been looking specifically for some of the military offroads and gaz's.

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I had a military offroad that I fixed up and found on green mountain. Thats the only place I've seen that spawn so there might only be one of those per map. Never found a UAZ but did find someones camp with one.

We had actually hid our VS3 truck and white car together and when we logged in they were gone so we started heading west to the next town and we found our VS3, a blue Ural, a UAZ and our white car lol.

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Our group has: 1 UAZ, bus, ural civilian, atv, minivan, tractor and did have a military offroad before the patch despawned it and I saw a bus and another AtV that we didnt own bombing it through cherno one day, and a motor bike. Even a couple pedal bikes.

With that, there's still the pickup trucks, at least 2 that I know of. 3 tractors altogether. 2 uavs. And 4 ATVs. That's all I know of at the moment.

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