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Unyaro (DayZ)

Zombie noise changes: Passive when passive, aggressive when aggressive

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I find right now that you'll hear zombies making aggressive noises while passive, and passive noises while aggressive.

Yes they tend to stay towards passive noises while not aggro'd, and aggressive noises while aggro'd, but it can be very disconcerting hearing a zombie start snarling and making aggressive noises when you're hiding in a building doing your thing.

I would simply like them to only make the appropriate type of noise to their situation. I don't feel this would make them less difficult, as it's normally pretty clear that they're aggro'd, but it would stop me from twitching out every time I hear one snarl while I'm looting a building and then not actually having a reason to freak out.

Edited by Unyaro

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I half agree with this statement, many times I am almost tricked into running when I hear zombies making the crazy sprint noises. Then again the occasional snarl is good for atmosphere.

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