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Started my career as a bandit (vid)

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So I have gotten bored a and I was walkin around near stary when i came across a guy sitting at the edge of the forest with binoculars, so i came up behind him and unloaded my trusty makaroni into his head... he had a DMR on him and this was my first time finding one so i was like FUCK YEA! then a short while later i find a crashed heli north of stary, but it only spawned a CZ mag and a few tin cans so i was pretty bummed, so i head back into the trees and see a guy running along and he stops to make a fire so i take my DMR and but a few rounds into his back, and lo and behold! he had NVGs! the first time i have owned NVGs in my 3 months of game time so i was very happy, so i log into a night time server to test them out and immidiatly find a crashed heli, and this is the vid of me going to loot It.

Its not all that special but the Zeds feel snackish.

Edited by Thorlaxx

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title suggests banditery.

video does not deliver.

gimme time, ill get a vid of banditry up, im sorry to dissapoint though

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