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Two questions

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Okay, first off do I have to buy ArmA II AND Operation Arrowhead (Combined Operations) for this mod to work? I know the steam page tells me this, but I don't like to believe what people that are trying to make some money say so I want to make sure.

Secondly, is this mod worth it? It's only in its Alpha, is it really worth the $24? Should I wait?

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You only need operation arrowhead. You can download the demo for arma 2 and then install OA. Theres an installation wiki that walks you through it.

Yes it is worth it. Especially if you have friends and doubly so if you are mature and realize that it is still in alpha and there will be horrible bugs that cause you to die and lose all of your shit through no fault of your own.

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i have both arma 2 and oa so i don't feel confident answering your first question.

as for the second question, make sure you understand exactly what you're going to be getting into. do research and figure out what this mod is, what it's intended to be, and where it's going to go. i've found it to be worth it, but i like impossibly hard, brutal, and complex games. caveat emptor.

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Thats some good information goodfellarocco. Wish I knew that before I bought Combined Operations. Although I am having a good time with the unmodded game as well so I guess it was still worth it. Too answer the question of the post, I would say its very worth it but keep in mind what goodfellarocco said. It is buggy and it will piss you off at times but its all part of the fun.

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You only need operation arrowhead. You can download the demo for arma 2 and then install OA. Theres an installation wiki that walks you through it.

Yes it is worth it. Especially if you have friends and doubly so if you are mature and realize that it is still in alpha and there will be horrible bugs that cause you to die and lose all of your shit through no fault of your own.

Wow, this is why I hate people trying to sell me stuff .. liars.

So just to clarify, this is the only thing I need to buy : http://store.steampowered.com/app/33930/ Plus this demo: http://store.steampowered.com/app/33900/

And I'm good to go?

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From what goodfella said that is correct. I didn't do it that way so cant clerify but it makes sense. Hit me up on skype or steam tonight if you get it working. Name on both is Takingtn. I will help you get started

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In my opinion its worth it. Your opinion may differ. But please, if you do buy it to play this mod, dont come back here throwing a tantrum saying it sucks and you deserve/ want/ need your money back/refund what ever else you want to call it. Your buying Arma 2 and Arma 2:Operation Arrowhead. Not DayZ. DayZ is a free mod in testing and may be ported over to Arma 3 or go stand alone before long. No one but the devs know if and when this will happen. So chances are if you buy Arma2 now you will be buying something more in the near future to continue testing or begin playing should it go to release.

Which way you choose to purchase and install Arma 2 and the mod is up to you.

Edited by HooDoo

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Well I just bought it. But the demo and the dlc is about 9 gigs in total so this will take a while..

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Yeah... the biggest downside to direct download games. The waiting is painful! lol

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