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Daddy'o (DayZ)

Dual boxing accounts step by step guide

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Alright I keep getting loads of PMs from people who are asking help and instructions how to do this, so finally I made a step by step guide and made it as simple as I could so no one would have too much trouble working this out.

NOTE: This is not a guide to dual boxing the game with one copy of the game. You will obviously need to buy another copy of Operation Arrowhead.

1. Install operation arrowhead

2. open windows start menu

3. type in the search "regedit"

4. open regedit

5. using regedit open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

6. open SOFTWARE

7. open Wow6432Node (win7)

8. open Bohemia Interactive Studio

9. open ArmA 2 OA

10. On the right hand side of the window, double click the file that says KEY. Those 15 pairs of numbers and letters are your character specific key. This determines which character is being loaded when you start your OA.

11. Write down the key. Only the 15 pairs.


Now you will need to buy another copy of the Operation Arrowhead, so you will get another key for your other character.

You can install that copy either by

A ) Installing it under a different windows user on the same computer

B ) Installing it on a different computer.

After you have done either, repeat the 11 steps above.


When you have both keys written down:

12. Open notepad

13. Copy paste this in to the notepad:


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA]


14. Replace the 15 XX pairs with either key you wrote down.

15. Save the file as

16. Save as type "all files"

17. name your file mycharactername.reg


Repeat steps 12-17 but use the other key code you got from the other Operation Arrowhead.


To play both characters at the same time:

18. double click either of the .reg files you just made. Hit ok and see if it says the changes have been successfully added to the registry.

19. Boot up operation arrowhead.

20. Get on a server.

21. Press esc.

22. Alt + tab out of the game to the desktop

23. right click the other .reg file you made. Check if it says the registry was successfully updated like last time.

24. Boot up another instance of operation arrowhead so that you have 2 open.

25. Get on a server.

26. Alt + tab between 2 characters!

If something's fucked up, try using REGEDIT5 in the start of the file instead. Try running the reg files as administrator oor... use google! That's what I did :D

Edited by Daddy'o
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You arent supposed to play like this.

LOL? How else would you play the game? With only ONE character? What is this, Doom?

Edited by Guest

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This seems to be a bit of a cheat. Are you going to use one player that you dont care about and set other players up for a trap, of use it to clear the zombies out or the way for you?

Edited by R71

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What good is the "press esc" supposed to do?

It stops the automatic fire function that comes when you dual box. At least in my case every time I alt + tab in between the 2 characters, the character I hop to fires one shot from the weapon he has out 100% of the time even if you don't touch the mouse. Easiest way to stop is to press esc to open main menu before tabbing.

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This seems to be a bit of a cheat. Are you going to use one player that you dont care about and set other players up for a trap, of use it to clear the zombies out or the way for you?

Originally I intended the other character as a super safe storage mule for items, but I ended up using the other for solo play when I used the other to play and log off with my group.

Every once in a while I use the other character to overwatch with L85A2 and snipe while I use the other one to loot a town I'm watching.

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That does seem very much like an exploit :C

No, he's playing two characters

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