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Looking for a decent group to run with

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Fairly new to the game, so still learning the controls and that (dont put me behind the wheel of a car or a chopper, it will crash). Longest I've been able to survive is about 3 and a half hours on my own. I love the concept of this game and I'm looking for a group to run with. hit me up, email is in my bio.

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Hey im new to the game too! we should play together im 15 and my email is [email protected] just email me there and set a time to play and i will probably be able to play not at the exact moment though because i have to get a new mic do you have a mic?

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You two could seriously benefit from joining my clan, we currently have 15 members and a load more awaiting approval. We play quite regularly and have a lot of fun whilst doing so. You should definitely apply to join. We range from ages 16 - 28 at the moment, but we might be getting even younger or older members.


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