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Admin abuse on US 454 Hosted by www.sicoguildlaunch.com

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In a hurrry? tl;dr Found a vehicle, server reset setting me back hours. Found it again and a bird spawn followed me until I was kicked. Bottom line: this server uses admin privileges to keep non-clan players from raiding their loot through honest gameplay. Be warned. See below.

On 7/13 I was trekking through the northwestern wilderness on this server. My goal was to investigate all prominent landmarks, both for the views but also for tents or vehicles. I lucked out at a cluster of rocks labeled Skalka and found a well stocked tent. I traded in some of my stuff for better stuff (including a compass) and kept trekking. I then went to the top of Misty Peak, shot an east-bound azimuth with my compass, and followed that for a long time. In the wilderness north of Pobeda Dam I found a hatchback parked under a tree, also well stocked. This being my first car, I got in and went for a joyride. It lasted for about thirty seconds, and then the server reset.

I log back in, and I'm hours back somewhere along the central western wilderness of the map, before I found the tent and the car. Takes me a while to figure out where I am (no compass), but I eventually see Palatino and orient myself off that to resume pushing north. I find the tent at Skalka rocks again, take some stuff and drop some stuff and then climb Misty Peak. I shoot the same azimuth and follow it to the hills north of Pobeda Dam. Find the car again, but now while I'm checking it out I notice a player, spawned as a bird, is above me and is folllowing me. I took a few potshots, then resumed my joyride followed by the bird. Lasts a little bit longer this time, but as I'm reaching the treeline the game starts freezing up, and then I'm kicked by Battle Eye for client not responding. I get the message and don't bother logging back in.

Solos and independents, don't bother exploring on this server. The admin(s) will abuse their privileges to protect their clan's hoarded loot.

Sorry for the assumption, see my follow-up post.

Edited by NFK

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If you noticed a player spawned as a bird this is not an Admin because we do not have this power. The Server does Auto restarts every six hours. Being one of the Server admins we do not even use Admin powers except to kick hackers. I am sorry that you did experience these issues. Do you have a date or time estimate? We are able to look in the logs to see this player that spawned as a "bird". If you have any question please PM me directly i would like to solve this issue.


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Thanks for your reply. On rereading my post, I think that I jumped to conclusions about admin involvement, and for that I apologize. The events I described did happen to me, I just don't have a way to really know who was involved and how it was done, so I shouldn't have assumed admin involvement.

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First of all, if we were abusing powers and resetting the server because we thought u took our car, dont u think we would have moved it away? Second, we have had our camp raided before. People have ghosted us while doing so, we have all been nuked, etc, etc... and not once have we restarted the server, so for 1 person finding something, thats just a waste of our time.

We have had members suggest restarting/locking the server for certain reasons, but i can guarantee that we as a guild look down on that as we like to have fair gameplay. If u check out the new player section on the forums our guild has posted that we are trying to help new people, and in doing so are being watched by certain people, so we will not be doing anything to suggest to new players that u are suppose to play like that.

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I can guarantee that we do not abuse our admin powers you just had some bad luck

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I'm sorry to hear about the incident, but it is well known that whenever a server restarts you need to have disconnected in order to save your character. The result was what you experienced, being teleported back in time from where you started when you first logged in.

Regards, CPL Ollo [4th]


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Yo NFK..

The server reset last night because the Zombies in the towns where not working properly... They would not aggro at you etc... I was with the admin and he noticed it and decided to reset the server to fix the problem. If your in a car and the server reset it's going to reset you way back.. it would happen on any server. I have been on this server for a month and I'm part of SiCo and never once seen any issues. He reset the servers when things are not working, I have lost a lot of stuff from it but the best part of this game is starting over. Just keep playing and stop complaining about your losses.

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as a top admin in the guild we would never do such things, and if one of us spawned as a bird we would fraps and lol hard then the person would respawn. thanks for understanding we would never do such things to protect our stuff. I would remove such admins if they did this. the resets you experienced on the 13th were due to zombie/item glitches that happens sometimes. at the time zombies wernt moving/agroing and items wernt spawning so we reset the server. unfortunatly we dont have a real way to notify players on our server when this is gonna happen.

I apologize for this inconvenience.

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lol, i think you are a little too paranoid as birds are always around. they spawn in randomly just like dragonflies and other floaty things

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lol, i think you are a little too paranoid as birds are always around. they spawn in randomly just like dragonflies and other floaty things

Just to be clear on what I saw, this was not the usual bird that floats high in the sky, but a low flying, flapping model. There are plenty of youtube clips that show this type of thing, like this example.

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the birds use the same model, seriously you are just too paranoid. bids spawn at tree level and can fly anywhere their random pathing tells them to go.

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Some players spawn as birds some times for reasons unknown, to me at least. Happened to a friend and it must have been before the server restarted because his travel while flying was not saved and when we rejoined he was at the position before spawning as a bird.

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Regardless, if the matter is resolved, I suggest you drop this topic and move on.

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