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Dayz, things that should be added and expanded upon

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Ok guys this is going to be a decently long post but bear with, I feel like I have some very good suggestions here but let me do some explaining first to give context because the reality is that this game is waaaay to easy until it gets waaay too hard. and real quick don’t judge this post based on the chance that I am some hardcore gamer playing 15 hours a day every day or some complete incompetent noob cause I am neither, I am a pretty casual gamer when it comes to this so don’t lose context of this post and what it is meant for, as I explain some of the things I do in game don’t judge that and ignore my main points simply because you disagree with in game strategy cause that is not the point here but hear me out.

so last night I died in dayz, as usual I start over and spawn imo the optimal place, right outside and east of chernogorsk. since I have nothing of value or anything to lose as usual I run straight into cherno aggroing zombies and easily losing them by taking tight turns around walls, gates, and buildings... immediately hit the medic and mil tents, I get lucky and find an acu back pack and an ak-74 in the mil tents and pick up basic med supplies (morphine, epi pens, blood bags bandages etc) and btw I do play with a few friends so yes I do grab epis and blood, I hit a nearby industrial area where I can pick up an ax and knife, hopefully a few other essentials, and then go straight for the apartments at the northern end near the hospital. I patiently but swiftly go through every complex. here as usual I can find a basic weapon (makarov, lee enfields, shot guns etc) as I am not usually so lucky with an AK at the mil tents, if I am lucky like last night I got an alice pack and matches, as usual I get plenty food and just the basic essentials now I am ready to move out, I do this on the regular in about 20 min after every death, give me another 20 min and I make a b line to stary sobor

in stary sobor I usually check store for an alice pack and matches as I don’t often get too lucky with that right off the bat, and maybe a proper side arm such as a 1911, also going through all the residentials I finally get on the hill and scope out the tents, no one there then ok let’s move in, I grab an akm and mags, and few other stuff.

now here is the problem, I just played the game for about an hour to hour and a half, and I now have one of the best weapons in the game (yes the akm is one of the best there are few others I would choose over it but I will get to that later), secnd largest back pack, canteens, food, the ability to hunt and cook food (one of the most essential parts imho), med supplies etc... now I may have gotten a little lucky early on this time around but it usually is not hard for me to find any of these things with in the first 3 hours of spawning from death.

at this point the only progress I could make is the largest backpack(coyote), personal preference would be SD m4, but I would gladly take a DMR (or almost any other SNIPER RIFLE, or optic m4 weapons), and an sd m9... once again you don’t have to agree with me but these are my next personal preferences. the issue though... these items are all extremely competitive and really only spawn in the airfield and stary sobor. at this point I will go back and forth from both while also server hoping once I have hit both of them and hope to get lucky with some of these EXTREMLY rare items, most of the times I can only find them if I end up in the winning side of a violent confrontation against another player... a buddy of mine has NVGs, SD m4, sd m9, and rare back pack... and he got it all from killing a player or 2(not that he is a bandit but airfield is a very competitive and hostile environment lol) but chances are that after hitting those places multiple times each I will get PKd rather than find any of the above items and start over, and screw the shore cities with the fire houses as they have less of a chance to spawn those items and are in a much more competitive area.

so my suggestion is: add more areas that spawn military loot and make them more wide spread... there is no reason why some of the mid-large towns in land shouldn’t have at the least a fire house, and the even large ones should have more military tents also, not too many like stary but more like 4-5 like in berezino... what does this do? well let me tell you if I could go to stary sobor loot the tents, then go to grishino(north east of airfield) and hit a fire house, head to the airfield, then go to a fire house in lopatino and/or vybor, then move to some mil tents in pushtoka, and then hit a preppers loot spot(I will explain this in a sec) in zeleno, and then maybe hitting another type of loot in progorevka, and then back to stary sobor finally, you know what this does, it makes you a survivor and not a filthy server hopper, realistically a survivor should not be lingering in 1 or 2 places for too long, no they should constantly be on the move, hitting town to town to town, the issue is there are currently no reasons to go to any of those towns, they are just there with nothing of value, sure they may have a few residentails but who cares... stary has plenty residentials, tons of mil tents, and even a market, plus it is extremely close to the airfield, literally once I get to stary I have no reason to ever leave and I think that is a problem, maybe you should decrease the spawn rate of higher end or rare items but make more loot areas to balance it out.

now what did I mean by preppers loot spot? well have you all ever heard of preppers in real life, pretty much paranoid people who believe in a an apocalypse happening in their life time so they build a bunker in there back yard or basement, and stock pile with weapons, ammo, equipment, food etc... but this is post apocalyptic so these places would have been used up or looted already MOSTLY... this kind of loot area should be created where it is a balance between residential/farm and military and can add more to the game but not make it so unbalanced or easy... so you add one in zeleno and you have created an area that will spawn shot guns, lee enfield, m16s/m4s(nothing too fancy like a cco sd but maybe a basic m4 cco would not be too bad or m16/acog), 1911s, etc I think atm it is kinda too much one sided with just residential loot, farm loot, and mil loot, because mil loot automatically becomes priority and outweighs the other 2, with this kind of balance I now have reason to go to a prepper loot zone and hope to find a glock that replaces my makorov, or Camo/ghilie, or hell maybe I can get real lucky and find an m9 SD, over all it is just more reason for me to move around like a survivor than server hop like a gamer ;)

Another thing that should be added is weapons customization. now imagine I have an akm, I have zeroing feature for out to 800 meters, but how I could I ever hit a target so far out with just iron sights, imagine if instead of having to replace it with a DMR, optics could be found and combined with certain restricted weapons, so imagine maybe I want a kobra sight for my akm, I should be able to go look for one and attach it, even better what if I want a PSO scope(pretty much the acogs of AKs), I should be able to find that separately as well, that would really be something if I could take a stock weapon and if I look and search hard enough like I true survivor I could customize it the way I want, that is alos where preppers loot spots come into play, if optics and such ONLY spawned in mil tents and airfield then once again you never have a reason to leave that general area, but you add fire houses and preppers loot spots through out the inland and add a feature like this, well now the game is getting much more interesting... also you would be giving people alot more reason to move inland than to just find a basic weapon and troll around the shore line like 70% of people who play this game do... another thing, suppressors. Imagine being able to find suppressers RESTRICTED FOR CERTAIN WEAPONS ONLY separately. also different types or say classes of suppressors, so imagine class 1,2, and 3 suppressors for ak variants(so an ak suppressor won’t work on an m4 obviously, they should be restricted by caliber/ammo type just to keep it challenging), but say the most common suppressor is class 1, if I put that on my loud ass akm, now it is about as loud as 1866 (from high noise to moderate) so essentially if I shot in the same town as you, you can hear it, but you wont be able to hear it across town and in the middle of a big field, then class 2 suppressors, are about as loud as a makorov, maybe quieter so you can only hear it within an ear shot(pun not intended :P) but not all the way across a big town and then class 3 where they are like they are now, extremely quite, all you can here is the bullet impacting a target pretty much...

almost done now but another thing is camo, more patterns of camo should be added and not entirely impossible to find, but not super effective either, for example it would be cool if they added ACU camo, however there are only few places where it would be extremely effective(I have come across some wheat fields where it would blend in pretty well), but get creative, a solid colored OD camo would be cooler and more effective than a lame ass sweatshirt and pants, but not entirely effective when you have other types woodland BDUs(battle dress uniforms) some blending in better than others, that’s the thing have a variety of camo patters, some more effective than others, and the ones that are less effective make them easier to find or less rare, it really is lame sometimes just going around in a ball cap and jeans/sweat shirt, it looks dumb, is ineffective, and it with only 2 other options they are pretty impossible to find, head gear would be cool to, not saying we should start incorporating a combat helmet, but I would not mind like a shemagh wrap, balaclava, or even a snipers veil/net, ghillie accessories would be cool too, so not an entire ghille suit but like maybe ghillie hood that covers part of your head and back, you know mix it up a bit

and lastly there should be a safe zone were players can go to purely trade items, meet people, interact, make friends or companions, and not have to worry about bandits or PKers. The only difficulty I see with this is that there will surely be people camped right outside waiting to kill those passing in and out of the safe zone, so some kind of safety thing might need to be implemented. Perhaps you can travel 1k yards without taking damage unless you wander into a town or near zombies or fire your own gun, idk suggestions would be open to how it would work, but this should really be added, not in a big town or city but just a small basic area where people can be reasonable for a change

I would like to hear peoples thoughts on this but I think these are some excellent suggestions that I have provided, all I know is if nothing changes then I will be doing what I always do.. go back and forth from stary and the airfield and server hopping while doing so, thus detracting greatly from the game and the experience, I would honestly rather act like a survivor and move from several towns to towns and look for better weapons, equipment, and with separate/customizable accessories then it even adds more, cause just because now I have an akm, does not mean I am even nearly done having good great or best gear/weapon... I just think at the moment everything is too simple and easy to acquire up until a certain point where it become unreasonably hard to acquire better things because it is all limited to 1 or 2 general areas where competition is fierce, the game should still be competitive, just not limited to 1 area, with my suggestions I think it adds, complexity(in a good way), keeps it competitive, and gives you reason to move around and actually be a survivor rather than a camper, and just makes the overall game more dynamic

Edited by shalkedeagle

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btw I know some of these topics have been touched upon, but some of them also havent, so I am consolidating it all into one thread to keep it simple, if it is a big deal however I will gladly split everything up into like 10 diffrent posts it just would not be much preferred but whatever lol

Edited by shalkedeagle

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