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Looking for dutch speaking people to team with

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Hello, i'm 19 years old and fairly new to the game. I know the basics so not a total newbie...

Im looking for some friends to play together, prefer with voice chat. Im not very comfortable talking english so would prefer some dutch speaking people. Any gender/age will do, just dont be childish!

I am a 19 year old female from the netherlands myself, and just want to improve my chances of survival with some friendlies. Just contact me with some details, skype or other voice chat you use and i will try to get in touch asap!


Greets Minnti.

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ive been looking for someone to group with for ages! i am english but i kno your looking for dutch speaking people but id thought id ask anyway :) looking to group to improve survival chances and have just have some good fun lootin!

let me know if you want to group or not.


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I'm Jorrit, 23 years old. I'm relatively familiar with the game, and have been playing for a short while now.

Lately I've been playing alone (other friends quit) now I'm also looking for someone to hang out with.

If you're interested, look me up on steam (username: DutchRanger).

Edited by DutchRanger
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Searched the forums for the words dutch and holland but not much came up, glad to see there's other dutchies looking for dutchies.

I'm 18 years old and have been playing the game for a short while, not a newb though.

My english is good when it comes to typing, but I suck at pronouncing words :( so I'd rather play with someone that speaks my language.

Already playing with another dutch guy, so you're free to join us if you want, add me on steam nilz479

btw, It would be awesome to team up with everyone that replies in this thread to create a big group or something ;o

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If you would like a TeamSpeak server to use, you can create a channel for free on ts.kgservers.com - It's a 500 slot public DayZ Server. I'd be happy to help you setup your channel (I'm a server mod). See the link in my signature for more info!

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Thank you Tolly, i'll look into it.

also, I thought Nilzz had a good idea, forming a steam group.

When I wanted to create one, i noticed it already exists though. Try searching in steam for the group Dutch'Z (steam://openurl/http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dutchz)

I joined them, hope to see some activitiy maybe tomorrow :)

Edited by DutchRanger

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