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looking for a small group (US)

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hey guys i just started playing a few days ago but i have a pretty good understanding of everything. im looking for someone in the US to play with. im only 15 but that shouldnt matter. my steam is Colley619 and i have a mic. you can either add me on steam or leave a post here! one more thing though, id rather not play with someone like 30 because honestly it makes me feel sort of awkward.

lol thats enough guys.. i got like 15 steam invites.. ive found a group now and wev been doing great. no more invites please!

Edited by Justin619

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Hey il play with you message me and set a time to play

steam username-jlmvader652


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Hey il play with you message me and set a time to play

steam username-jlmvader652


youre not even on steam 2 minutes after you posted this <_<

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I'm down to team up, 16 here, i have skype, although i don't have any games i bought so i can't add people :P

Skype and Steam- Alphamarks

Edited by Alphafat

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I'm up to play a bit later, Im 16 btw

Steam: draven501

Skype: alistair_george

in-game name: Alistair

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installing dayz right now and would love to team up. read up nearly everything about this game and would love a partner to help me out in my great quest of not dieing in the first 10 minutes :) i have skype username johnpfeifer2 and my steam name is johnpfeifer2 :) i am 13 btw

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Just downloaded day z. Looking for team to join. In central time. I'll have to Skype from phone as i dont have a mic yet for desktop. I have same user name on steam. Add me. I'm 20 btw

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hey man im down to team up if were on at the same time. My steam is Wfmu1. Im at the north west airfield right now with a m16 and a silenced m9 with a dmr in my backpack. If u wanna play just message me on steam or here. Im 16 btw

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Yo, I'm willing to play with almost anyone on DayZ

Skype: EddieDayZ Steam: YingYangKidPanda

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