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About the gillie/camo suit bug. Looking for answers.

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Hello, and sorry about making a new topic about this subject. I just want to know, how is the bug repair going? I tried to look from other topics but all of them are saying different solutions. I just want to wear my gillie suit again and safely. Please report here every repair change about the suit bug and is it safe to wear it already? Thank you and sorry about the new topic one more time. :)

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They are said to be working BUTTTTT people are saying you can't loot stuff.

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On most servers, as soon as you put it on you become desynched from the hive. You will still be able to play, but you won't have a debug monitor or be able to loot items. Might have been fixed today, haven't checked yet.

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Okey, thank you very much. Its nice to have such a good community in this game. Have a nice weekend in DayZ ;D

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