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Suggestion: Make Basic Suvival challenging (read topic)

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Suriving needs to be more challenging and strategic. Below is a list of things that can be changed to bring more sense of starvation and dehydration as an actual challenge instead of a chore.

Hunger and Thirst: Food and Drink are too common to find for it to be a legitimate threat, You should not have to drink and eat one of each item to be filled and satisfied, except depnding on the item, for example a can of beans should not fully give you your hunger back or give you as much health, same thing with a coke, in fact a coke would dehydrate you more since its a diuretic because of the caffine.

Canned Food/Drink: Obviously non perishable, but make more rare to find, Make Pasta the most filling and Sardines or Beans the least filling, this way there is a reason to have variety and more excitement when you find canned food, this also gives a reason to either find and kill another player for their food when your a higher geared character......or even team up.....obviously more people will choose killing but i think it will bring a different dynamic to the game

Perishable Food/Drink: Maybe implent different foods that can perish, Raw Meat/Cooked Meat should be perishable so that way you don't just run around with 10 meats on your character and nom nom them and be back to full health, there should be strategy to having perishable food and having non perishable food and drink. I think the idea for having water bottles be more useful by giving multiple drinks is a great idea, or have water be more significant and fully restore your drink meter, same thing with food do the same.

Weapons/Ammo: Weapons and Ammo need to be less common, a lot less common, its to easy to find a gun and ammo especially for acp rounds and when you get further north, not a lot of people up there and its just easy to raid military tents and buildings for rifles and ammo, there doesn't seem to be a challenge with running out of ammo once you learn where the big loot piles are and makes surviving not a challenge, especially since zombies don't roam in open fields and forrests but near buildings so its really only dangerous in the cities and towns and the liklieyhood of finding a survivor in open fields is actually very rare. This could cut down or increase server hopping, hoping to find a gun, it depends.

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- Steaks should be perishable

- Limited thirst and hunger replenishment


- Weapons and ammo

- Canned food (drinks are fine)

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agree on all points but mostly ammo.

Less ammo encourages people to move around the map more , checking out the lesser explored areas and increasing human interaction. The hoarders/haters will say that it will cause people to kill others more but i disagree , you will treasure your ammo more knowing if you get into a gunfight it will be harder to replace.

There will also be the less experienced who say " it's hard to find a gun now/impossible to outrun zombies" , and i say to you , i can run through a town unarmed ( yes sprinting) and be fully equipped in 15 minutes , if anything this part of the game is too easy.

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Have to agree with the ammo and weapons point. There's simply far too many for an average 50player server. A surplus infact. Its too easy to find ammo. Perhaps loot shouldn't be in obvious line of sight, i.e on a floor in a pile. What about on shelves, tables, in cupboards/wardrobes, leant against walls or boxes?

I'd like to see ways one could stalk a man with rifle, then kill him with knife or other improvised bludgeoning weapon. With a reduced number of spawning weapons, more of this tactical survival could work. What about tripwires combined with flares or explosives to liven up the action as well.

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I disagree with basically all of this. Leave the ammo and weapons... and honestly a WHOLE can of beans doesn't fill you up? Yes I can see if you only had 1 serving of beans, but there's about 4 in a can?

Less ammo encourages PvP... oh shit, I'm low on ammo, hey look that guy has a gun. *Bam* Sweet M16A3 with tons of ammo.

Sorry maybe it could be implemented better but I just don't see it.

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maybe there should be a limit on how much you can eat at one time.

like when you are low on blood and you find a cow you eat 8 steaks and bam your blood is on 12000.

a normal person will not eat nor can he eat 8 steaks in a survival situation when your hungry, your stomach will not be that lean

i joked with friends we should all grow fat like elvis when we do that.

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a) How would he have loads of ammo if it was reduced.

And b, with a surplus amount of ammo, as it is now, you wouldn't shoot him anyway?

Edited by thehet

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If you make it so there's less ammo around, that'll just encourage a different style of play, if you're a survive you'd have to become a bandit to steal other peoples ammo. Don't think that'd work.

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