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WTF Global/side chat removed?

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I just started playing yesterday and I agree global chat would be very nice. So far I'm having a hard time getting into it because A) you spawn with nothing but a flashlight and B) it's impossible to find weapons. Also, wtf do the zombies run so fast and bizarre lol? If they walked like normal zombies then I wouldn't care about starting without a gun.

really? it's impossible to find weapons? Try looking in houses. rather then in the forest.

Spawn at beack > walk into ANY town > look for big building or curch > pick up alice/bino/food/drink/makarov > proceed to nearest HV barn > pick up shotgun crossbow and sniper.

So hard.

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I just started playing yesterday and I agree global chat would be very nice. So far I'm having a hard time getting into it because A) you spawn with nothing but a flashlight and B) it's impossible to find weapons. Also, wtf do the zombies run so fast and bizarre lol? If they walked like normal zombies then I wouldn't care about starting without a gun.

Usually i can't decide which weapon i should take and which to leave behind :D

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radio would solve this problem.You could see global chat only if you have radio and if you don't want to see it all the time, switch it off.

Then everyone should start with one.Otherwise there would be too FEW players to chat with.

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global and side chat were stupid.

Cry more carebear

Your dad should have never bought you a computer *facepalm*

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Yo sir are an idiot.

Edited by Batuhan87

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Then everyone should start with one.Otherwise there would be too FEW players to chat with.

Not sure about starting with it, but radios should be very easy to find.

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Devs have casually mentioned a few times that there are behind-the-scenes discussions about making it a server setting, but who knows if that will ever happen.

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Devs have casually mentioned a few times that there are behind-the-scenes discussions about making it a server setting, but who knows if that will ever happen.

They should have done this in the first place.If you dont want to see chat? Choose a server that doesn't allow it.Simple.

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Devs have casually mentioned a few times that there are behind-the-scenes discussions about making it a server setting, but who knows if that will ever happen.

Sounds good, what are we waiting for? Aren't there any server owners who'd like to enable side chat?

it's a simple edit in the mission file, right?

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as for finding a gun, they really are not hard to find, your spawn points will either be a few minute run to a farm or a town, and either one will have some nice weapons. it can be rough, yesterday i had two annoying spawns, on one server all the coastal building had the loot spawns barbwired off (found one i could "v" over a table got a revolver) and another one had nothing but people camping the coast, took 20 minutes, but i got past the general camp area foundan 1911 in a house)

guns are plentiful, you just need to look for them.

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Sounds good, what are we waiting for? Aren't there any server owners who'd like to enable side chat?

it's a simple edit in the mission file, right?

Its Dayz rules which are stopping server owners from turning on sidechat. Sidechat is on in a server? Blacklisted.

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The only reason I like sidechat servers is because I feel so lonely when I play, and I like to make a good joke or two with some guys on the server.

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there are threads on these forums that have public chat servers, for mumble and ts, which are free of use. perhaps you should join one to communicate with other players.

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Having it as a server setting might be okay. It'll further seperate them from us. Meaning, people who want to play this like any other game, and the people who want something different.

I rarely encounter the "problems" other people constantly post about, and I suspect that strictly playing on expert servers plays a big part in that.

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Yes ITS BORING running for 15 mins and there is no way to chat while doing that.Immersion breaking.My ass.That much realism will only hurt the mods future.

Looks like Day Z isn't for you, there's the door, don't come back. I doubt something like this is going to hurt Day Z's future.

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i find the game better when the sidechat was removed....no more spam.

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+1 for it being an option for server admins to enable or not. As there is no other easy ingame option for meeting up and forming a group, you're forced to leave the game and come to places to like this to find groups, can't get much more 'immersion' breaking than that.

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Yes ITS BORING running for 15 mins and there is no way to chat while doing that.Immersion breaking.My ass.That much realism will only hurt the mods future.

Running into other players is supposed to be an uncommon and tense occasion. Constantly have three or more people babbling about inane shit and arranging meetups on the left side of the screen was poisonous to the atmosphere the game tries to maintain.

That being said, I'd personally have no issue with it being brought back as a server option. Tags are still optional, and I find them much more annoying than side-chat.

If you really want to chat with people, find a TS/Vent server and group up with someone. There's a sticky thread on this forum with a 500-slot server.

Stop Being Dicks and acting like your some gods to the 'underground' gaming world. There is no sense in being so hateful towards another fellow dayz player. If you hate people asking questions than 1) why did you click the title to go come to this thread? 2) why are you on the internet?

OP: they removed it before i started playing dayz, but i think it should be brought back.

Did you read the first page? The OP is the one telling people to fuck off to a single-player game for disagreeing with him. Edited by Brianide

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Looks like Day Z isn't for you, there's the door, don't come back. I doubt something like this is going to hurt Day Z's future.

Thanks for proving to me that DayZ has one of the worst communities around :)

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Bro, chill out.

I just realized your clan tag is Umbrella Biohard Countermeasures Service. Jeez that brings me back to RE3. Props.

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Looks like Day Z isn't for you, there's the door, don't come back. I doubt something like this is going to hurt Day Z's future.

People like you ruin this community.

Edited by Batuhan87

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