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First Bandit Kill... After 333 Zombie Kills.

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TL;DR? is at the bottom.

Just now, playing on some server (it doesn't really matter) I was making my way to the Balota Airfield because my friend and I agreed on linking up there for today. Once I arrived, I figured I'd try to loot a bit, and as I came to one of the hangars, I notice about 2 dozen dead zombie bodies, and I hear flies. I know someone mus be near, so after having a tense conversation with 2 survivors with a wall between us, I told them I'd leave them alone and they can continue looting without fearing me.

This lead to me finding the stupid Bandit.

I went the opposite direction of the hangars and the tower, just to check the industrial portion of the airfield. A zombie found me as I was crawling, so I stood up and sprinted my way to one of the bays. As I rounded the corner, a person comes around the corner, within 20 yards of me with a CZ 550. *I* could EASILY tell what gun HE was holding, but he didn't think twice about shooting at me without checking what gun *I* was holding. This prompted me to pull out my M16A4 M203, kill the zombie that was following me, and then turn and fire a HE M203 round at the bay. Obviously, that was a stupid move to fire at me without thinking. So to follow the events up, I went into the bay and finished him off.

I just felt like sharing that story. That was my first player kill ever on DayZ, which is wierd considering I have about 350 zombie kills. (I try to avoid confrontation.)

TL;DR?: Found bandit, he was 20 yards away, he used his CZ550 while being that close, I killed him with an HE M203 and boolets.

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Thank you!You've just made Chernarus a safer place!


Edited by trokiijs

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He probably wasnt a bandit I had a situation where all I had in the NW airfield was a crappy CZ550 that had ammo no pistol ammo I saw a guy crawling and didnt shoot and guess what he blasted me in the head! unfortuantly I end up shot in the face after 98% encounters I have with the morons that frequent this game he probaly decided he had no other option than to fire on you.

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