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Where'd you hide the animals, rocket?

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I've been up north(past NW airfield, outside Petrovka) and haven't seen an animal in a forest or field to save my life(literally, since I have 4k blood after escaping some bandits).

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They seem not to move completly free but in a area around their spawn location just go on a less populated server and search at some fields if you find one animal get the meat move a little bit away from that spot (to the next forest in order to cook the meat might already be enough distance) and then come back commonly you will find now another animal in the area.

Edited by Streaforce

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Believe me, I was trying. Searched the fields around Petrovka and now I'm in a forest following the road to head back down south. Maybe I'll have better luck tonight after work. Are there any surefire spots where there are always animals?

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Check farms there are usually cows around them, open fields also usually have animals roaming around.

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I find them consistently in open fields during my travels, not enough that my pack is bursting with meat but enough so that me and my buddies don't starve.

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Check farms there are usually cows around them, open fields also usually have animals roaming around.

Like this. I find most in farms near cities. I also find boar/pigs in the forest fairly often.

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I've been up north(past NW airfield, outside Petrovka) and haven't seen an animal in a forest or field to save my life(literally, since I have 4k blood after escaping some bandits).

Make sure after you kill the animal you gut and loot it as fast as possible. I would recommend clearing space out in your pack before even shooting it. The bodies have been despawning within 30 seconds for me, just some friendly advice.

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cows dont move in

I just observed a cow moving at a pretty brisk pace outside of Stary on .3 although there were times it was half clipped into the ground (legs buried) when it walked out of the tall grass.

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Might be server-specific sometimes, but I see animals all effing day. Two in the same field sometimes, with another in an adjacent field. They're too prevalent in my opinion, boars are everywhere too.

Back around 1.5.8, you'd be lucky to find one. I don't think that should be the case, but we're living in a proverbial land of plenty.

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I'd say their frequency definitely drops the more North you go. Be it by design or that they've been killed by players.

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I would see them all the time before I went up north, but now there's honestly nothing about. I've scoured this forest and the surrounding field for about 45 minutes and haven't seen A THING.

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I've had decent luck all over the map thoughout the various updates over the last couple months. Granted, I do come aross areas that are barren, but I can ususally come across one within 5-10 minutes. One reason may be that I am seeing rabbits spawn far more frequently since 1.7.2 - don't have your character run so much, and it's easier to notice them. Run 50-75 meters in the woods, then stop. Look around, run another 50-75 meters through the woods, then stop and check again. I find more in the mornings than in mid-day , but that may be just me.

Those rabbits, though. Damn you zig-zagging hopping little bastards. You run, then stop, taunt me, and run again just as I get you in my sights. Every MP5SD bullet is precious, and you, you little bastards are making me waste them.

I love it. The rabbit animations and reactions are fantastic.

It's the best shooting gallery/firearm training method in DayZ. After a few dozen rabbits for dinner, my aiming speed and tracking accuracy has incread at least 25%, which has incread my headshot rate as well.

- note -

Yeah, scopes make it easier, but where's the fun in that? besides, I like the benefits of silent hunting.

Edited by Chambers

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I just updated today and found a goat and two sheep within binocular distance just north of Rog Castle. Good thing too, as I was down to 3000 units of blood. :thumbsup:

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I would see them all the time before I went up north, but now there's honestly nothing about. I've scoured this forest and the surrounding field for about 45 minutes and haven't seen A THING.

You are not alone. I also serched for animals to kill up north in woods/fields earlier today for about an hour. Didn't see anything. Always see cows, boars etc. all over the place in the south though.

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I'm turning them all into TASTY MEAT.

My plan for domination of Chernarus is to starve everyone else to death.

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Try finding boars in the forests at night with no night vision, thats fun.

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At this time I have hundreds of steaks hidden at the bottom of Willow Lake.

Its something to do with my time. Kill all the animals, take the meat, throw it in a lake.

Just so the rest of you starve or have to survive on :beans:

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When I got stuck out on Debug this weekend, I found this fellow in


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cows dont move in

yes they do, I see them roam around all over the place.

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