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Noob searching for others

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In a few days i'll have my copy of arma and i'll install everything +dayz mod.So,as a totaly new player,i'd like to have some other guys with me,cause going alone is not such a good idea.So,as a totaly new player,i won't have any important stuff,so even you kill me you won't get anything good:P

I'm in Europe,that means that i'd like to play with a group of European people,to not have many time problems.

I'd like to join an existing survivors' group,but i'm interesting in forming a new one too.So if you are interested,just reply here and say where you live and/or pm me with some contact info,like email,or just add me on steam @ "NiKoS-Ereveton"

What i'll try to do in-game:

have a group of people that will stick together and help each other,travel around trying to find a choper and stuff to repair it.Then,i have a short plan that i'll share with anyone that's interested

What do i want from the group:

Voice communication,and teamwork.Pick up everything you find,and wait til it's totaly safe to sit and see what you need,and what you can share.Take care of yourself FIRST,and then help the others.

Bandit,Bandit Hunter,or just Survivor:

That depends on the team.

How long will you play?:

Well,i plan to play for a long time!

If you want to ask something else,feel free!

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Check the Survivor HQ and Bandit Camp for groups in need of members. You'll also find plenty of other newbies along the coast once your finally in game.

You'll also find some nice bandits who got bored of camping in Call of Duty and moved on to DayZ.

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Well,i've seen a friend play it,and everytime he was getting close to someone,even with shouting friendly in voice chat,or typing,or even aiming away,he was getting shot,or the other guy ran away.Anyway,thanks for the tip:)

I'll check the other forum's section too

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Im currently downloading arma: co on steam. When it's done, (probably not till tomarow. Downloading at 10kbs ;-;) I'll gladly join you.

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