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Fail sniper and my first murder

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earlier in the night i saw my first fellow human after playing this game for about 2 days, and was instantly gunned down by his hidden sniper buddy after i said i was friendly... so much for that. i respawned just east of cherno so i went thru and looted here and there, found an enfield, makarov, and plently of ammo/supplies. had an extremely close call with someone in a warehouse. i found a dead body on the stairs going up into the tower part of it. as i was looting, i heard a couple footsteps above and very close to me, so i closed the inventory window to look up and see the outline of someone crouching at the top of the stairs with his gun pointed at me, probably about a foot away. i assume he couldnt see me because it was darker on the stairs where i was. anyway, i proceeded to shit my pants as i turned and booked it down the stairs and hid in a corner to wait for him. apparently he logged because i went up about 5 mins later and there wasnt a trace of him.

now, onto the fail sniper. by now it was starting to get light out and i left cherno to check out the airfield west of there. i didnt see anyone so i went into the military base and into the nearest deer stand. i found an AK so i replaced my enfield with it, but it only had 1 extra clip, so i decided to have some fun and blast some zombies before i took my enfield back and moved on. bad idea. after i shot a few zombies, i had a ton aggroed around the bottom of the stand. shortly after that, i heard a pair of sniper shots and hit the deck. every so often i would hear a shot and i assumed they were just picking off some zombies below me. that is, until i realized the bullets were whizzing past my head and hitting the wall of the deer stand. i used 3rd person to try and see where they were coming from to no success, i only knew he was somewhere east of the base. so i popped up and blasted a few rounds in his general direction, maybe scare him off. as i laid back down to reload the 2nd and last last AK clip, i saw him crawl out from behind a wrecked humvee to get behind a nearby rock. i popped up again with the fresh clip and pumped about 10 rounds into him before he was halfway to the rock. instant kill. i didnt get to loot him due to all the pissed off zombies under me. but oh well, i still got justice for trying to kill me.

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