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NW Airfield help

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I thought I might aswell see if anyones willing to help. This is the first time ive managed to get so far north with so many items I got to a deer stand beside NW Airfield and the ladder bugged.. I fell and broke my leg and im now bleeding. So would anyone be near by with morphine and blood transfusion? thanks

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I can help you. I just have to know your Steam. I probably will have time to play in 11-12 hours after posting this

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Thanks TheHeavySoldier I already had a look at that thread though and seen "Do not request help if you are in the following areas: Cherno, Elektro, Berezino, Stary, NWAF, NEAF, Balota, or any other high PvP area". I know for a fact most people will probably just kill me but id rather someone got the loot than me dieing from bleeding and it going no where, So if they help me I can maybe help them back and if they dont then I dont mind too much tbh :)

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