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Making Smaller towns viable and stopping the shoot on sight mentality

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So let me just ask, both of you would prefer the entire game to be a death match with zombies? That doesnt seem to be Rockets vision at all.

Rocket's vision is to let US deal with player to player interactions, we only get what we deserve in this regard.

It is not deathmath, that would imply there is a score of some kind to win the game.

What you have to accept is that you don't get to have your chance at fun in this game, there is no mechanics implemented to provide "fun". You have to create your own goals beyond survival, and you have to accept that these goals might very well be incompatible with someone else's goals.

That means one of you will NOT have fun.

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Rocket's vision is to let US deal with player to player interactions, we only get what we deserve in this regard.

It is not deathmath, that would imply there is a score of some kind to win the game.

What you have to accept is that you don't get to have your chance at fun in this game, there is no mechanics implemented to provide "fun". You have to create your own goals beyond survival, and you have to accept that these goals might very well be incompatible with someone else's goals.

That means one of you will NOT have fun.



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Rocket's vision is to let US deal with player to player interactions, we only get what we deserve in this regard.

It is not deathmath, that would imply there is a score of some kind to win the game.

What you have to accept is that you don't get to have your chance at fun in this game, there is no mechanics implemented to provide "fun". You have to create your own goals beyond survival, and you have to accept that these goals might very well be incompatible with someone else's goals.

That means one of you will NOT have fun.

I completely agree.

Also, you don't have to keep going to Cherno or Electro. There's another few hundred Km's of map. I like how dangerous the cities are. Not because I enjoy the PvP killing but because in this sort of situation, surely the built up areas would be the most dangerous places to visit precisely because of looters.

Introducing mechanics to try and balance things will just break the whole concept of DayZ.

Edited by Fraggle

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Here is a good way (imo) to stop the KOS mentality almost every player has adopted.

Disclaimer: This suggestion would only work after Aborting / ALT+f4 was fixed

Make players who are killed scream when they die, to justify what Im about to lay down;

Whenever you kill a player, a HUGE zombie hoard is either spawned or attracted (I dont know the specifics on zombies)

Or when you shoot players in the head, make conffeti burst from their brains and hear the cheers of chil...oh wait, wrong game..

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I feel like you didnt read everything so I will quote what you missed.

I understand, however, the VAST majority of all killings that go on in Cherno/Elektro are over loot. There are sometimes dickhead snipers on top of the hospital but what can we really do to prevent that?

Everyones first instinct nowadays is too shoot first think later. If shooting another player in a city brimming with zombies was a near-fatal mistake, hopefully players would start thinking first.

Im not at all discouraging PVP, I am simply making way for other ways of interaction between strangers that isn't one killing the other.

Believe or not, dude, this game was not intended to be a death match.

You simply arent thinking, Im sorry, It isnt at all punishing players for killing others, its making killing players not always the number ONE choice like it is now.

You can kill players without worry in the wilderness, or if you have a open avenue of escape.

Also: for the tad bit at the end, you guessed wrong. (I suggest you re-read what you type before you post to prevent yourself from looking a fool again)

I've just quoted a few of your posts in this thread to illustrate my point.

You've posted two suggestions, both of which I feel like are unnecessary to the continuing success of this game. Rocket has already stated that the humanity system is in the works and that he is looking for more incentives to encourage team play.

No matter how you look at your suggestion, it isn't an incentive. It's a negative. Negative consequences don't generate fun, they generate frustration, more often than not. The reason why banditry is so rampant in the game as it stands is that there's little INCENTIVE to group.

Beyond all that though, you acted like a complete tool in this entire thread. Instead of addressing people's points, utilizing your communication skills and eloquently defending your position, you resorted to name calling, sarcasm, and all around assholery. In fact, your attitude indicates you're no better than the 'dickhead snipers' that you so ardently complain about.

In the future, I hope when you pose a suggestion, you welcome both praise and criticism, rather than venting angrily like a petulant teenager. It made 'you' look like the fool in this thread, and everyone almost immediately discounted anything you had to say, rather than possibly gaining something informative and useful here.

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