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Incentives for cooperation, if not necessarily humanity

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To further prevent servers devolving into deathmatches, I think it could help to add some incentives to group up in some regard. One thing that comes to mind is sort of a self-fulfilling system in which some group required activities benefit groups, but may require even larger numbers to move forward.

For instance, C-wire requires only a single person, while trenches/sandbags require two to four people depending on size, while a FoB with a bunker (And lockable door) requires 10 people.

The mechanic could be that once a person initiates they crouch on the ground, anyone helping can get close, target them, and use the menu to prompt "help build". Once the required amount of people are helping, it gets built.

The idea being that with more people cooperating, bigger things can be achieved, such things though won't go unnoticed, and will attract players which will in turn either provide an opportunity to recruit players, or to fight against them.

A few notes:

"Trenches" would be an angled slope which you can place sandbags behind for both excellent cover, and a method of controlling zeds (Slowed to a walk while walking up the incline)

a "locked bunker" could provide a powerful group a foolproof method of preventing ninja attacks at 3AM. People have actual lives and can't afford to have someone guarding 24/7. It's a simple and realistic solution to those who can afford it (loads of equipment needed).


Why punish player killers or leave no reason to be humane when you can provide incentive for both in ways that supports their playstyle!?

Players with low humanity will spawn with progressively better weapons, but less and less survival resources based on their (lack of) humanity. They also spawn either in more dangerous territories (inside towns) or further to the north west of the map.

Players with high humanity will spawn with better survival instruments, but less ammunition with the basic weapon. They will spawn in safer areas, and closer together.

This incentives those with low humanity to hunt others for supplies, and to go it alone in order to conserve resources while those with high humanity are encouraged to group together with an excess of supplies to share, but little ammunition to protect themselves alone.

Perhaps they could also have a different range of skins to be selected to reflect their alignment? Someone with near maximum humanity might be a priest, while someone with minimum might be a convict in a jumpsuit!

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I really like the idea of incentives for cooperation. I am extremely interested in the idea of a bunker-esque structure. I think it could allow for communities to develop cause now you don't have to worry about people stealing stuff from your tent.

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I love the ideas Kriegson. As of now bandits, IMO, suffer much much less from their looting ways than the survivors. It cant all be roses or the whole thing will devolve into PK and griefing.

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I love the ideas Kriegson. As of now bandits' date=' IMO, suffer much much less from their looting ways than the survivors. It cant all be roses or the whole thing will devolve into PK and griefing.


It could end up that way, but consider that survivors will be spawning in safer areas with ample supplies and incentive to group up with people they can consider relatively trustworthy.

Bandits will be spawning quite a bit further inland from them, or in dangerous areas, and will need to start looking for supplies immediately. They will likely end up fighting each other as much as anyone else, and in theory when they encounter "humane" players, they will be running into groups of them.

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I was meaning that it can't all be roses for bandits as it is now. Your ideas help balance out the pros/cons of being a bandit currently which is great.

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I was meaning that it can't all be roses for bandits as it is now. Your ideas help balance out the pros/cons of being a bandit currently which is great.

Ah my bad. Yeah, currently there is virtually NO reason not to shoot and loot everyone you see, with exception of being in a town with zombies all over.

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I'm sceptical as to whether or not having bandits spawn with better weapons is a good idea, but I like everything else suggested.

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Starting bandits with better weaponry is the last thing I ever want to see implemented.

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Everyone should start the same, or atleast have the same chance to get any gear, regardless of humanity level. You're on the right track, with incentivising cooperation rather than punishing banditry though. The more there is to do in the game, the less people will turn to banditry out of boredom, which is really the problem anyway.

As it is, you already benefit from cooperation when it comes to building bases, building vehicles, and gathering supplies, as well as fighting off hostiles. More activities like this would encourage greater cooperation.

I had thought that maybe more variable starting equipment might encourage cooperation, like, my map and your compass kind of deal, but when I thought about it, I realised it'd probably just lead to more spawn area PKing.

Also remember that cooperation and banditry are not mutually exclusive. I can play with 4 or 5 friends, cooperate, build a car, fortify a forest hilltop, and STILL murder you and all your mates. Infact, it'll be easier, because I'll have backup. The point isn't to eliminate the PvP element, it's to eliminate the SENSELESS PvP element, people killing other players not for their equipment, but simply because they aren't used to sandbox games and can't think of anything else to do.

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I like the first idea a lot (about more players needed to build better structures) but the other bits less so.

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