Bredpath 0 Posted July 14, 2012 Me and a couple buddies were playing on Chicago xx, and we were going to loot cherno, then make our way to Stary, but we got sidetracked at the hospital by the apartments. We had found a U1-H1 Huey, the first one I had ever seen. So we decided to camp around it on the hospital roof, while one of us went to look for parts to fix it. During his search, he was shot at first 3 times, but surprisingly, he won all of the firefights. By then, he was on full alert, and killed two more players on his way back to the Huey. While all that was happening, me and the other guy were fending off the players who had also found the Huey, and I got 2 murders, 1 bandit kill, and he got 1 murder and 2 bandit kills. So our friend got back with all the parts we needed, but sadly, the fueltank was bugged and would not fill at all. So after that, I logged off while they kept playing. Then in the morning, I started playing again, and there was shooting around me, so I was on full alert and told one of my buddies to get over here and help. I looked over the edge and saw a guy, so without hesitation I shot him 3 times with my AK-74. Then another guy ran across from beneath me into an apartment, and he saw me as I shot at him. I hit him once, but didn't kill him, so then I went back to laying prone on the roof while he watched me from the apartment. I then watched in 3rd person while another guy ran in there, and then another guy. So I was up against a group of 3 who knew where I was, and they were watching for my head to pop up. My friend got there shortly after, and then we waited for an opportunity to rise and kill them. Eventually the one watching turned his back and my friend quickly got up and shot him 4 times in the back. The other two were now behind cover, but eventually they tried to creep out, and I got them both as they ran out the door. But in our concentration on the other two guys, we didn't notice a guy creep up the roof behind us, who then unloaded an entire makarov clip into the area around me, but he hit me twice. While I was recovering from the surprise, my buddy got up and shot him in the chest with his M1911, and I bandaged up and took morphine and painkillers. We then looted our victims, and I got a nice M4A3 CCO, and a bunch of meds and food and drink. After that, we ran out of there and took cover in the trees way up the hill. That is where my story ends, so all in all we got 15 kills in the span of 15 hours. Hopefully you will all understand how dangerous Cherno is, especially if you are alone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites