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US 234 Seattle

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Since I see my server full most of the time I figured I'd make a thread here about it. Do you play on US 234? How's it running for you guys?


Difficulty: Veteran

3rd Person: ON

Crosshairs: OFF

Timezone: UTC +11

Location: Seattle


Don't hack

Don't alt+f4

Server restarts every six hours starting at midnight server time.

Join our teamspeak: We wont bite

Edited by goodspellar

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I have an issue... so I have been playing DayZ since if first came out. I have never once in my life cheated or hacked. I was playing high ping servers today and about 1-2 hours ago came across US 234 Seattle, WOW, great load time and smooth play. I was having a blast so I called my friend and had him log in.

When he came in we picked a middle landmark between us to meet which was a huge hill and begen making our way toward eachother. I got there first and found a Ural! I picked up my friend and we were driving it to a safe location to try and start a base on your server. Out of nowhere a player by the name of Konscript comes riding up on an ATV, we heard the engine get closer and turn off, so my friend ejected while I drew Konscripts fire. I took one shot from his sniper rifle and got scared and bailed from the Ural. My friend shot at him and said he thought he got him so we went and looked and he had logged out, so my friend killed the ATV for good measure and we started heading back to the Ural. We get a little ways back to the Ural and we heard another shot which missed... Konscript was back at the ATV! Since he was playing dirty I logged out and tried to get a better position on him from another server, which I did in the tree line immediately behind where the destroyed atv was, and logged back in. By the time I had he was already in the Ural driving it to the Northwest... I tried to shoot at him before he went over a ridge but he turned north and dissapeared, so I started running that way to see where he went... I eventually saw the Ural parked at the bottom of a hill and took cover figuring he was close. I am scanning the area around the Ural and I see a message appear at the bottom of my screen from Konscript stating "sigh, another hacker... your at 024 110" or somthing like that? How the hell could he know where I was? But I pulled up my map and sure enough he was right. So I tried to write back asking him what the hell he was talking about with no response... maybe I did it wrong or he was just ignoring me (hit / and typed message on group channel). I got nervous and started looking everywhere and caught movement running west up the ridge across from me. I used my rangefinder to track him the best I could. Konscript ran behind a tree and then did not come out the other side so switched to my AS50, zeroed and fired... I was then instantly kicked out of the game. I logged back in and ran up the ridgeline and sure enough Konscript was dead, I guess he was pissed. I looted his body, hid it, and then noticed I did not get credit for the kill, hmmm. I ran back to the ATV to save it so that it didn't respawn during the next server reset but it was gone... how do you move a destroyed ATV? Meanwhile, while I was doing all this my friend got in the Ural and began taking it southeast to put some distance between it and any attention we may have received from nearby players during the whole event. I began making my way to him and then received another message from Konscript on the bottom of my screen... "quansheng, nice scripts, enjoy this temporary ban for now, global ban will arrive tomorrow." I tried to type back,"what the hell are you talking about, what's a script?" and was kicked from the game again. I tried a couple more times to log in with the same result of being kicked.

Sorry for the crazy detail... I wanted it all down while it was fresh in my head... especially in case Konscript causes me a permanant ban just because he is a sore loser and I need to make a case for myself with Battle Eye or whatever it is. I sent an email and ICQ to zyclone, my friend said he looked it up and thought that was the contact info for Konscript... sorry if it was not.

The point of all this, I do not run scripts... what the hell is a script anyways? Whatever... am I banned from your server permanantly just because I killed Konscript? Why did he accuse me of cheating and not my friend who took way more shots at him than I did? Is he turing me in to Rocket and the development team for killing him to try and effect a global ban on me? What happened to cause all this? I am just really confused.

I would very much like to keep playing on your server if I can, you guys support it really well, it always has lots of players, both my friend and I have a super low ping on it, it runs beatifully and it is day during my peak playing hours. Anyways, please let me know if you don't mind.

Edited by Quansheng
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US 234, Konscript is a sore loser who assumes that if he gets his ass kicked, it must be hackers. News flash: Knoscript acted like an idiot and got owned. He shot across a field in an ATV, which we clearly saw, then he jumped out to try to shoot me and my friend in a Ural we found and took. After I sniped his ATV and he logged out, he shortly logged back in and tried to snipe us. We hid and he got the Ural, but we followed him and killed him and the Ural. He acted like a total moron and banned my friend, not realizing there were 2 of us and neither were hacking - he was just careless and unobservant and squarely got kicked in the nuts. Konscript: just so you know, you are a sore loser and you are just as bad as any hacker by using means other than your skill to get a cheap win. Don't ban anyone and get better, please.

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