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Guy Logged out under fire (US 245)

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Me and my cousin were in US 245 Chicago and we found one camper at eletro hills,next to the building tech.

we shoot him and he bleeded out...when his character was laying down he just vanished. I thought it was a bug...but when I looked at my kills,it dosen't change. then I realized he had just rage quit.

His nick is JakeJuice

US 245 Chicaco

at: 23:48 PM EST <-

Edited by ImVictor
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Had a guy do this to me at Rog on DE45 - 3 of us were minding our own business looking around the tower, then my buddy shouts he can see someone right in front of him. (my friend had a makarov) We ask friendly over the mic... he blows my mate away with a high powered rifle. Myself and another friend moved to he tower to catch him of guard, which inevitably we did. Shot him too the chest with a Lee Enfield - whilst hes falling he dc'd.

Really poor move as he could see the friend of mine he'd just killed hadnt done the same.

We waited there for around half an hour and I guess 2 of his own buddies came gunning for us. Killed the same friend that was killed earlier again - no questions asked but we got one of them.

Its kind of crappy that this is were the game is right now, I mean fair enough be a bandit. But if it back fires on you so be it.

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Sadly, without any proof no action can be taken. Sorry bro, this type of thing happens all the time...even though it pretty much ruins the game.

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Sadly, without any proof no action can be taken. Sorry bro, this type of thing happens all the time...even though it pretty much ruins the game.

What kind of proff do you wait for? I didn't realized then When I shoot someone he/she can log out. That is NOT allowed by the communite, and I'm trying to keep this mod safe from this kind of people.

if you don't wanna die, Do not play.

Edited by ImVictor

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They could just not let people retain their equiment if they log out, yes it will piss people off but it'll get rid of this problem.

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