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Let's just hope the noobs discover the other great mods as well.

Project Reality' date=' ACE, Invasion 44, Unsung mod, Hell in the Pacific,... + tons of maps and addons


I'd like to know more about these and any other ArmA II mods that are well-regarded. I've been to the Armaholic site http://www.armaholic.com/index.php (highly recommended) but it's difficult to know which mods/addons/missions, etc are considered well worth checking out...

BTW, from what I can see, the guys at Armaholic have been generally very supportive of DayZ and what it is doing to rejuvenate the ArmA scene.

Well the first one (Project Reality) is a public PVP mod orientated on people working together, capturing flags or otherwise playing insurgency. It can be very intense.

Youtube has good footage of all mods.

The other mods are, well public as well, but they get played in (closed) communities more. You have to join such a community and play on a fixed date.

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(Warning! The threat of a novel with gramatical errors written below is extremely high!)


I've been reading through these pages and I've been deeply saddened by the way a "vet" is treating the mod. New guys, I assure you, not all of us are like this. It's a natural part of change, some people adapt quickly, others don't. Don't worry, most of us are heplful and will gladly help if questions are asked. You just have to know where to ask! :P

A little about myself: I know that this isn't the part of forum for it, so I'll keep it brief. I am writing this just to show you that I am one of those vets who met this game at a young age, and still survived the bashes new players get.

I met this game's predecessor in 2001 in an internet cafe. I am 21 years old now, so when I met this game I was 11. I was a small schoolkid, who's english knowledge was based from and around Cartoon Network and HBO. I didn't have a passion for realistic weapons, games, I had a shitty PC which ran Dizzy and Windows 3.1. I didn't buy games and didn't have an internet connection to download a free or get a *khm* pirated *khm* one (YARR!). The way I learned this game series was the biggest challenge I faced. Do you know what did I do? Experimented! Great way to learn! Newbies, don't be afraid to experiment. It will reward you in a bigger way than you'd think.

After a few years and a few English classes, I was confident enough to ask for help if I needed any. And in my 10 years of playing this game I never had problems with a douche "vet". Do you know why? Because I was polite. I am not saying that no newcomers are polite, nor that you should bow down before the vets and stuff like that, just ask and communicate like a human being. Stop being so sensitive if you happen to meet a mean player. I met some vets in my time who were impatient, but that never stopped me. If I couldn't get an answer or an explanation form one, I searched for another. It's that simple.

Most of our community members are part of the older generation. Most vets WILL help you if you ask like a human being. I've had encounters with guys who spammed all over the chat just because they didn't know that East is where the Sun rises. Patience is a virtue. You will be respected if you earn respect, and a good start is being polite and having a mature mindset. Asking for example on how to get "moar framez!!1!!!ONE1!" will get you an answer in the same manner you asked (IF you get an answer). Just, don't be agressive with each other or with the ones you ask for help. Know, that this is game series is one of the few ones on the market, in which even folowing orders, and instructions, still manages to give you a rewarding experience. :D

Some of our supposed vets do not understand what it means to be patient. Some forget that they weren't born with the skills to master the ArmAverse. Hopefully these people realise that those who want to learn will stay, and eventually, take a peek on the other side of the ArmAverse in some way or another.

At first, I admit for a moment I feared that this mod could ruin the community, but that changed once I hopped on a server. I met all sorts of people, and I was glad that I met mature players, who just simply wanted to have fun. I know that there are idiots everywhere, but Vets, PLEASE, we've met all sorts of idiots on our side of the ArmAverse, and they disappeared quickly. Besides, banning and kicking from the server still works, so, why the complaints? :huh:

I am one of those Elitist douches who welcome these new players to the ArmAverse, and hope to have a wonderful, pleasant and rewarding experience with this great game! Have fun, and if you need help regarding controls or something you don't understand in ArmA, send me a PM and I will gladly help! :cool:

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If you're being outplayed by one of these kiddy griefers that says a lot about you, chump.

And to be honest, based on what I've seen of the *ARMA2* community, I can't wait for some quality devs to finally put out some good sandbox games so I can play on a decent engine again (and without thousands of crybabies who are used to fighting npc's with shitty AI).

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Hey, don't go dissing on the AI, I like 'em! :P Try out a few SP campaigns and you'll start to love 'em with all their problems and bugs :D

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