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Spades (DayZ)

Hacking is really killing the alpha for me.

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I don't mind the bugs, or patches, or testing, or dieing to glitches, zombies going crazy, really its all fine except when esp hackers start ruining everything. Anyone else want to vent or try to cheer me up?

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i actually like the hackers...

because it makes me realise, even if you are super careful, someones going to kill the whole server with you on it so you may aswell live it up *@#!#.

Drop the Supressed weapon and pick up the enfield, have chemlight/flare parties in cherno church

and ill admit ill have more fun when im retoooling, because when i have top level gear solo its hard to run into people while looking for stuff..

Edited by Gruelius

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  On 7/14/2012 at 5:39 AM, Caz said:



Edited by nightpaws

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retooling can be fun, but I would rather it be from someone owning me without hacking. What point is there in creating a tent camp and collecting vehicles if someone can just find me on the map mouse over me and two shot me? It really takes away from the game.

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