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Low frames GTX 580

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I dont know if there is a problem with the game because im pretty sure my video card is fine. I have a gtx 580 amp edition from zotac, factory overclocked and twice i have gotten the game in high 10 low 20 frames. On the lowest settings possible i get 30 frames a second. This happened after loading today and also happened yesterday but seemed to go away. Otherwise on very high the lowest ill go is 40, and average around 70,

Is this a known bug. I also have a i5 2500k, im pretty sure its just this game since in skyrim i never dip below 60 fps.HELP

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It has to do with the server.. try a new one. For odd reasons, low server performance can effect local FPS. That's why most servers restart regularly

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Yeah...I run an Asus 580 and an overclocked 2600 @ 4.8 ghz. Its not your computer, trust me xD

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My GPU is GTS 450 and it runs well. have u optimized your nvidia settings? There is a thread for that somewhere

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