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Texture loading Error?

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I honestly don't know whats going on here. I've set everything to minimum and maximum, changed all the settings.. I've installed it two times over.. Dont know what else to do.

the textures overlap, or just show up all over the screen. i can move around and stuff fine, but actually seeing anything is almost impossible. this is the best i can get to actually see the problem. if i rotate the screen any, it just looks like im staring at a glitched out piece of grass texture.

has anyone seen this before? if so have any idea what the problems is or how to fix it? ((I have gone through most fixes i've seen online. tried flushing, also used the steam verify cache function, nothing's been fixed.))


Edited by Abraxis53

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Intel® core i3 CPU M 380 @ 2.53 GHz. 4 gb RAM, 64 bit os.

If its the specs, i find it strange, as a friend of mine owns the same brand laptop as I do with weaker hardware and runs DayZ just fine.

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Intel ® HD Graphics if im reading it right.

would that effect every game i own? other games seem fine enough.. Freespace 2 SCP, League of Legends, Starcraft II.. The only thing i know that happens to this laptop that is weird is that sometimes the screen freezes up for a second or two and audio skips and replays, for a split second, but nothing otherwise.

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Nope. The background of it looks a lot like the screenshot though. Textures glitching everywhere, entire thing looking like a mess

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