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Make the crossbow not useless

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Crossbows are pretty fraking awesome, but in DayZ they're practically worthless. Why? Because of their damage? Nope, 1 shot kill is great. It's because of it's effective range and ammo.

1 bolt takes up ONE SLOT making the crossbow nothing but a good way to waste backpack space. This alone is the main reason why the weapon is useless. If it had maybe stacks of 5 or 10 then it'd actually be something to pick up.

Also, it's relatively short effective range is pretty weak. Modern hunting crossbows can easily hit targets accurately at 300m or more. I don't think upping it's effective range to at least 150-200 would break it, especially with it's difficult iron sights.

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You know you can pick up the bolts after firing them?

ya but arrows/bolts are not very big, long, but not big. if you filled a entire backpack with them irl then you could probably fit 200-300 arrows.

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it would be great if they fixed the iron sights on it as well as made the bolts stackable to at least 5 bolts per slot

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I do love my crossbow, mainly because if it's ability to silently take out a zed. No more trying to get around them, just shoot the one in your way, reclaim your bolt and move on. However, when you do get swarmed it's next to useless since you can't have enough ammo for it. Even if you fill out your entire coyote backpack and inventory slots with it, an AKM with 2 mags of ammo that can one shot zombies is more than the amount of bolts you can carry. Some sort of system where you could maybe compress them into a bundle, maybe not usable in that state due to them being "tied up" or something but will allow players to carry more ammo for the thing could be a nice addition. So that way you still have single bolts taking up single slots that can be used and a bundle of bolts, say about 5, that needs to be untied to be able to use. Just an idea

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And also, the current bolts are bugged. When you shot the bolts to the body parts, it would disappear. Only headshot bolts can be retrieved. Hope this bug will be fixed.

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a toolbelt item, "quiver" holds 10 bolts?

i thinki that would be a good solution if it is possible.

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The introduction of the hatchet and crowbar as melee weapons has seen the crossbow become almost completely useless.

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Yes, putting the quiver in the tool-belt would be great. You would be able to right click it and when selecting the option "remove from tool-belt" it would turn into 3-5 bolts in the main inventory.

THAT would be nice. I also don't get the iron sights very well, never handled the crossbow fine without the crosshair.

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The introduction of the hatchet and crowbar as melee weapons has seen the crossbow become almost completely useless.

Never thought about this, it's actually for the most part true. The only con of the melee weapons vs the crossbow is it's range, that you are in the "line of fire", so to speak, when handling zeds. This is actually a good indication that a weapon needs a buff, a rework or just has to be removed from the mod.

Edited by NoxZA

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