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Is killing other players really that fun?

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al with the vicious circle of friendly people getting shot for no reason ----> getting super paranoid and angry-----> shoot other players for no reason

I just can encourage every friendly player to not fall into this, but just suck it up and try to stay mature and play the game as he thinks its supposed to be. You get shot by assholes, but you will also get some pretty desced and fun situations out of it. Just had a mexican standoff with 2 friendly guys in a supermarked and we all came out alive.

I'm with you on that, coming from just another friendly style player, I've met my share of "good n bad" players. On a night map scavenging a random fort I happened across, some1 called out to me on there mic. After running fearing I was about to get murdered an teased over it or who knows, but my first reaction was not to want to kill the person but at least negotiate... i just gtfo. Turns out the player followed me and gave me gillie suit and NV. I've saved someone from zombies, then was killed by them after, just a random snipers target, etc. I used to think zombie where the worst enemy, after you play a little, even a hatchet is a heck of a weapon to bring them down without much trouble. Trade ya sum beanz for peace.

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I avoid other random players when I can. Though i've been hunting bandits along the coast as of late, the gunfights are quite addicting...looking for a group of survivors to hang with though-I don't really want too roll with random pub players. I'd feel like they where painting a crosshair on my back.

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