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Has This Happened To Any Of You Guys?

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I did not have any gear when I spawned. I did not have a survivor skin or a bandit skin. I had a different skin. As I walked around no sound was produced and I found other players, or at least player models. I was able to communicate with them with a menu of some sort (never played Arma 2 Vanilla) and I was able to ask "How's the weather" and I was able to "greet" them and ask "where's the nearest settlement"? Also when I attempted to go into 3rd person mode no character model was given. The symbols on the right were also gone leaving nothing. When I pressed gear I also saw that there was a "bazooka" slot now.

Here's the proof look at my Friday, May 18, screenshots.


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This is collectively referred to as the "debug forest". Essentially, your attempts to connect and have your character info sent from the central character server to the server where you are playing has failed. Abort and try again.

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^Thank you Disgraced. This should answer the question for anyone else looking.

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