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super zombies

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Ok im all for making things difficult but this is rediculous. Zombies aggro range is way over board. put it back the way it was. Also Slow the speed of the zombies down and increase them in number..makes it better IMHO. Finally slow down the spawn rate...its not like this game has unlimited ammo. I clear out 5 zombies only to have 5 more spawn 30 seconds after I kill the first ones. other than that..this game rocks.

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Just below this post is someone else saying zombies won't even wake up if you wave raw meat in their faces.

This is quite a conundrum.

Edited by semipr0

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they are on a broken server then..ive played 4 different servers and each one id be hard pressed to hit accurately with a hand gun im crouched and they still aggro.

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It's actually a bit easier now. Crouch at night and you will be mostly safe. But it is different than 1.7.1m had to get used to it myself. :)

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for some reason its darker after i uploaded it but that zombie that aggroed was on top of the hill

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