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army camps with AI army soldiers would be good or random AI people

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me and my friends were thinking about having army camps with AI troops or random people who walk up to u and ask for help then gives u ammo or food and drink something valuable but something that isn't rare the people are just not the loot they give u.

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They have those, but it's called Arma II instead of Day Z.

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To be honest, some sort of "NPC intervention" would be nice. Even in some indirect form such as occasional, limited bombing runs (or artillery) on bigger places such as big cities or so.

That way, you could also not "abuse" or "loot / farm" certain locations, and it would provide another possible threat while adding some sort of story (military engaging somehow).

Edited by Combine

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It would be nice to have any Corporation, like RE has Umbrella, gangs... maybe what survive of nations armies.

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Adding some MMORPG elements are nice, but adding something like "quests" "missions" or w/e you want to call them is a bit too much, adding features like bombing runs would be a nice touch.

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