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aLmAnZo (DayZ)

Suggestion: Camelbac

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I think it's typed like this. It's simple, as it is now, i believe some of the models allready has camelbac systems. For those who doesn't know what it is, it's simply a small "backpack" with a hose filled with water that you carry under your larger backpack. This way, you'll be able to fill it with water (by pumps or lakes) and maybe be able to drink from it 5-10 times before needing a refill.

Of course, this needs to be a rare item, found in military camps (military forces uses this in real life) and in hunting towers, as they are used by hunters as well. In addition, you might trow in drytech food in military camps, stores (rare spawn) and hunting towers. Full of nutrients, yum yum.

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I like the idea, but I would say a lower use amount like 2-3. It could be a toolbelt item that worked like a water bottle, or it could be an actual pack you pick up that would have less storage but could store a good amount of water.

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i think rocket mentioned he has a device (I FORGET THE NAME) which you can syphon sea water from and use this to drink from has like 6 water bottles of filtered sea water, he talked about it before in a post - i am sure it is coming soon.

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i like the idea but i agree with lockedown's idea of making it a pack that has some storage but you get multiple drinks of water so it has the pro of not needing to carry waterbottles, but the con of having less overall storage space. You could also make it a variant of each of the current packs like ALICE CMBK sort of like SD ammo, and have the water bottles maybe built into the pack slots, or added to the toolbelt.

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Let it carry like 20 drinks of water, but only give it 2-4 inventory spaces of storage for other things. You essentially don't have to worry about drinking anymore, but you still have to worry about food and you lose a lot of storage potential.

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i like the idea but i agree with lockedown's idea of making it a pack that has some storage but you get multiple drinks of water so it has the pro of not needing to carry waterbottles, but the con of having less overall storage space. You could also make it a variant of each of the current packs like ALICE CMBK sort of like SD ammo, and have the water bottles maybe built into the pack slots, or added to the toolbelt.

I like the idea, but I would say a lower use amount like 2-3. It could be a toolbelt item that worked like a water bottle, or it could be an actual pack you pick up that would have less storage but could store a good amount of water.

Or you could do it like this.


Edited by sandbagger

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