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Server Timezones... get it right!

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Hello survivors, bandits and pseudo zombies.

Why is it that so many servers are obviously not in the timezone their server name suggets? Is it because many server admins think they just have to write the timezone in the name but not change the actual system time of the server?

Most of the time I only get to play around 11pm to 2am (GMT+1 DST) but I don't want to only see DayZ at night, so I just search for servers where there sould the sun should be shining (about GMT-6 to GMT-10/UTC-10). Most of the time only one out of six servers which have no connection issues or aren't full really have the timezone advertised in the servers name.

So please dear server admins, check your servers system time. Make sure to change your servers name if you change the system time.

Thank you.

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