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What are YOUR long-term goals for your character?

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I just started taking the game seriously, and now I'm on my third day with my current character. I play with a group of four friends, and we are currently looking for a more permanent "base" where we can fortify/center ourselves out of. I think that if I ever get a sniper rifle and night vision, I'll be making a visit back to the coast for some revenge...

What are your long-term goals in this game? Revenge? Survival in the forest? Banditry?

So far, I'm up to 80 zombie kills, no player kills yet...but that might change. We're pretty well supplied now! XD

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My goal changes everytime i play, LIke yesterday my goal was getting medical supplies. Because we were running low on bandages and blood bags.

And my next goal was getting wheels :P

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I had 200+ kills before I was killed (sniped in the head) for no appearent reason in a village getting some ammo, so I guess my goal is to survive without ever getting killed, and to kill players who kill for no reason what so ever, I mean, when I was killed, I wasn't even looted! I ran back and collected my stuff again, he killed me just to kill me, which annoys the hell out of me. So yes, my goal is to punish other players who are playing the wrong game...

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I had 200+ kills before I was killed (sniped in the head) for no appearent reason in a village getting some ammo, so I guess my goal is to survive without ever getting killed, and to kill players who kill for no reason what so ever, I mean, when I was killed, I wasn't even looted! I ran back and collected my stuff again, he killed me just to kill me, which annoys the hell out of me. So yes, my goal is to punish other players who are playing the wrong game...

The game is made for you to get shot, or PvP mode wouldn't be on.

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I had 200+ kills before I was killed (sniped in the head) for no appearent reason in a village getting some ammo, so I guess my goal is to survive without ever getting killed, and to kill players who kill for no reason what so ever, I mean, when I was killed, I wasn't even looted! I ran back and collected my stuff again, he killed me just to kill me, which annoys the hell out of me. So yes, my goal is to punish other players who are playing the wrong game...

And my goal is to get rid of BS bandits who lie saying they've killed 200+ kills

They probably just killed people off the beach as well like some badd ass

My normal goal is to lay down in the NW airfields and wait

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I had 200+ kills before I was killed (sniped in the head) for no appearent reason in a village getting some ammo, so I guess my goal is to survive without ever getting killed, and to kill players who kill for no reason what so ever, I mean, when I was killed, I wasn't even looted! I ran back and collected my stuff again, he killed me just to kill me, which annoys the hell out of me. So yes, my goal is to punish other players who are playing the wrong game...

Your playing the wrong game cause if you did kill "200+" you were doing the same thing as that guy was doing to you

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I don't have long term goals for my character per sé but I try to get as good as re-equipping the character as possible. Now if and when I die it doesn't take too long for me to be carrying good enough firearms and supplies to last an apocalypse anymore :)

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