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Pander Beers

Æos: Multi-gaming Guild

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Guild website: http://aeos.enjin.com

Geography: United States and Canada

VoIP: Mumble (Mic Required)

Server: US 888

I'll keep this light :P we don't offer blanket invites to our guild in most instances. However, we're pretty easy going guys and we'll be happy to play with you a bit to see if it's a good match. We're a PvP guild, but in DayZ we're not out to turn it into a guns-blazing deathmatch. We're just not gun shy, and we love a good fight.

What Kind of Player We Like: No whiners, no cry babies, and no assholes. We're mostly a 20-something guild, but to be honest, that's not important. We just want to play with other (generally) mature players ;)

We're happy to pick up new and inexperienced players with solid personalities, rather than "pro" gamers who are too full of themselves to have a good time. That being said, there's a reasonable level of skill expected or at least a notable desire to improve. We've got tough skin and try to point out mistakes and help each other improve.

If you've got an ego, like to piss people off, and troll -- move along, we've got nothing for you.

DayZ Rules

1. No Douchebags

2. Desire to Improve Yourself

3. No Disconnecting to Avoid PvP

Contact me via private message or reply in this post

Edited by Pander Beers
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The roles of players we're looking for right now are those who are comfortable moving through towns/buildings without drawing zombies in on our crew :) Also, you'd need to be comfortable engaging both players and zombies in close quarters.

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Alright, I'll bite~

I've been having issues as of late (servers keep refusing connection... also sometimes my internet shuts off for 1-3 minutes every few hours; not much I can do about that), but as soon as I can get connected again I'll try to get at you!

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Awesome man, our Mumble info is in the PM I sent you - I'm on the Mumble even when at work, but I'll only be able to type in chat until I get home

Err... what? It said you hadn't read the PM from a couple days ago. Did you just find this thread randomly or through my profile? Maybe the Messaging page is buggy

Edited by Pander Beers

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Awesome man, our Mumble info is in the PM I sent you - I'm on the Mumble even when at work, but I'll only be able to type in chat until I get home

Err... what? It said you hadn't read the PM from a couple days ago. Did you just find this thread randomly or through my profile? Maybe the Messaging page is buggy

Yeah, no, it was just buggy.

I don't have Mumble, but I'll look into it real quick.


Alright, I've got it all set-up.


But I've been aborbed in a combination of watching the German GP, playing F1 2011, and I've been getting rather absorbed in a new Visual Novel lately~

Edited by Vermilion

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