Audio Rejectz 144 Posted July 13, 2012 Hi everyone.Firstly just want to say to the creator, congratulations on making an amazing mod. I've been playing pc / console games for around 15 years and I have never been as addicted to a game as I am now.Especially a game that in retro spect isn't even "FUN"It's tense, evil, frustrating, annoying, dam right nasty and yet incredibly addictive.This is why I love this game, as I said ive been gaming a lot of years and this game is fresh, unique and unlike any game I have ever played.In an age where gaming is at its highest in excistance and over half the worlds population plays games in some form.How often can you say you have played something that is unlike anything else.I love the fact you can't global chat, the sence of been alone and always at risk if imminent death is with 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frogbones 5 Posted July 13, 2012 I've been gaming for over 25+ years....yes, this is really somthin that is scratching an itch I've had for a very long time. I already enjoyed Arma's detail to firearm balistics (since I'm a firearms enthusiest) mixed with a enviroment such as this....I just love it all around.I've been playing the mod since 1.5.7 or May 14th. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BanditoTheBandit 23 Posted July 13, 2012 Direct chat over mic to scare someone is just to fun. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vexus 25 Posted July 13, 2012 I was running and saw up ahead a helicopter crash. Sweet! I look around, pretty clear, and then start running towards it. Then as I get almost in range of zombies where I know I'll need to crouch, I see off about a kilometer away someone prone sliding out from a tree. Crap! I zoom in for a closer look; hard to tell but looks like a survivor... just can't take the chance. So I quickly run to a nearby tree. I start poking my head around the tree trying to see and not get shot. He's way off, but I'm not going to risk anything. I take out my binoculars and lean off the side of the tree to get a closer look. It's shaky due to being in pain from zombies earlier, but I had to look before taking pain killers. I see him slowly strafe-crawling to his nearby tree - ah ha! He's worried I'm going to shoot him now! I look back after taking some pain killers and he's right behind the tree, just like me. I start to look around - should I take this nearby shrub and tree-line towards him and see if he's friendly and/or engage him? My AKM goes up to 800m zero, maybe I can hit him. Hmm. I'm behind the tree looking around for about a minute before I look back. He's gone! I look again... gone. Hmm. I wait a little longer paying close attention to the forest he was near and the tree-line he could use to approach me. I take out binos again and look back to his spot. Ah damn. What I thought was a prone survivor with his sights on the crash and me... was a pig.I relaxed and killed about 10-12 zombies at the crash, looted some nice loot, and proceeded to the pig. Shot him between the eyes with my revolver and cooked his meat to heal up.That's what the risk of imminent death does to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OW22 21 Posted July 13, 2012 You're lucky you can play this game. All I can do is watch videos, since my video card is dead and the capacitors blew. It'll take all summer to get a new computer, and then I'm just going to wait to see if Day Zed transfers to ArmA 3. This game is the game I've explained to my friends before I knew it existed. The elements, the gameplay, the situations, everything. You don't know how frustrating it is to see the game you've waited for and can't play it because.... and I quote.... "shit happens". Enjoy it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrducky (DayZ) 33 Posted July 13, 2012 Yup. DayZ is probably the only game I can remember in recent years (or ever) that actually managed to evoke that sense of "fear" and the adrenaline rush associated with that. (As well as the feeling of remorse, after the first unprovoked murder of a survivor in the game.)I still remember those times shortly after I had started playing DayZ, when I had headed north, when suddenly out of nowhere I hear some shots landing on the ground next to me and I stumble to cover behind some nearby small rock-wall. Then, pretty much hands shaking, I got up from there and quickly started running towards the closest bushes. Then running further in the cover of the bushes until finally jumping down to some of the bushes... Just anxiously waiting... not sure if the shooter would find me or not... Finally, relieved seeing the bandit (back then, they still had the bandit skins), run past me, with a few zeds on his tail. And then quickly running off to the opposite direction.The rush back then, and in some other encounters, was something no other shooter game has been able to provide.(And I've certainly played plenty of them).In that sense DayZ has provided a unique game experience.Though, like with other games, all that fades away after a while. Right now, I'm so used to getting killed, and killing, and I don't really feel the fear anymore nor the remorse.The fear fades away as death has become a common enough experience. And when you know you can easily acquire the same gear you have. When there is nothing to lose, death becomes meaningless.Similarly, the remorse of the kills fades away when there are no more survivors and bandits. After enough experiences of getting killed for no reason, its becomes easy to rationalize that most other players in this game are bandits who would kill you in a heartbeat if they had the chance. So, its more that okay to kill them. They deserve it.Sometimes there is still that small glimpse of remorse when you shoot a guy in the back, when all he had was a hatchet and some random stuff... And he was crawling from one place to another... Like one might expect from a new player, not from anyone experienced. But then, you push those feeling aside and rationalize that he might have been a bandit as well. Maybe not a very experienced one, but a bandit nevertheless. Better safe than sorry. The small remorse of an unwarranted murder is easier to deal with, than the annoyment of letting the guy live only to find out that he repays it by killing you and gets off scott-free.Oh how I miss those initial days of survivor innocence in this game... When everything was still new and pure.. A death was a death, something to fear for. And a murder still felt like one. But now, being a bandit, tainted by his past experiences and deeds, all that has lost its meaning.Oh, those first few days... They were the true DayZ. :rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 28 Posted July 13, 2012 Heh, good to see someone so excited about this game, that's how you should be, though :) Great game and I remember when I first played it the session was at least 5 hours and couldn't wait to get playing again later that day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OW22 21 Posted July 14, 2012 -snip-Don't worry, Day Z is constantly developing. Once a greater change occurs, you'll feel it again. And that's the great thing about this game. There are so many situations that once you encounter an alien one, you feel like a newbie again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
esham (DayZ) 25 Posted July 14, 2012 Yup, I'm hooked. I havn't had this insane feeling since Return to Castle Wolfenstein (PC) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites