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Please make a sticky with all different builds downloads available

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well can we do this ?

basically every build edit put in here

that way if people want to play at least they can without searching here and far. will save alot of headaches if stickied.

so just build version and link

ver link


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why search for something when all is in one place :rolleyes:

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why search for something when all is in one place :rolleyes:

Becasue it isn't?

Why do you want links to older versions anyway?

Edited by bad_mojo

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Because its very easy to update to a new patch that is broken and some of us would like to downgrade to the previous known working patch to continue playing.

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Here's a RAR of my @dayz directory. I was never able to find it online, so I had to have a friend send it to me over Skype, which took an eternity. Hopefully this will save someone else the trouble.

Do make sure and back up your current directory first, just in case.


Edited by Brianide

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Becasue it isn't?

Why do you want links to older versions anyway?

because often older versions work and are more stable and more servers are running to play the actual game . this week for eg ive spent most of the time trying to connect to servers on new versions when if id just played on the previous patch id be playing in stead of constantly waiting for server updates or bugs that stop you from joining

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