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King Compton

I still cannot play :(

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*Sigh* Been waiting all day, still can't play.. Most servers I join say Wait for host or are full.. I am using latest version, what do I do :(

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Use sixupdater to make sure you are running the correct versions. Then go to join a server and make sure its running the version you are look at the server name. Then try to join and it should let you in as long as it is not full. If not you did something wrong and might need to reinstall.

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absolutely sure you are joining a server running the same arma 2 beta patch and DayZ version? =)

there are a lot of versions kicking about just now

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FR16 server worked for me and also try copying the arma2oa.exe from the expansion/beta folder in the directory into the main directory, overwriting the existing .exe for arma 2 operation arrowhead! Worked for me ;)

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I seem to be in one, on Receiving Data atm, pleaseee dont freeze, and yeah I am using SixUpdater.

edit: course not, got kicked for too high ping :@

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Really starting to get pissed off.. It's not even funny.. I've been waiting all day for it to install and tried for 4 hours to get on, got 20 mins gameplay so far. :@

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