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Don't do it.. I know what your thinking... Oh? ^_^

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You can unfortunately hear mumble aswell.. Untill the good part thankfully ^_^

Felt bad, once i stopped laughing. :lol: :rolleyes:

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....as much as i hate to say it XD I LOVE HOW HE REACTED!!!! made it seem so realistic like he really was in pain sucks that he's dead now...

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sounds like you set it up, but still funny lol

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Yes fraps ;x Honestly, not a setup.. I was waiting for a mate and this random guy came in screaming about zombies - so i fraps'd :D

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I did that with a buddy once but I used a hatchet after fending off the other zombies haha. He got me back though afterwards.

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sounds like you set it up, but still funny lol

No way, I react that way when people shoot me!

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Ye, same here.. i was in stitches when it happend :D Thanks ^_^

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