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To think what we would do for a bus

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I logged in, my character had been alive for about a week now and god knows how much play time, my clan just broke up, so i was short a camp. and some guns

I was left with only my DMR, ghillie, motorcycle and enough drinks to last me a couple days

All was good, driving around berenzino for some supplies, then i was shot dead

But that isnt the real story here, its what happens afterwards

Feeling kind of pissed off, i hopped servers, and started new

Winchesters were always the gun i would keep an eye out when i was a fresh spawn. a little to my luck, i found one, along side a m1911

i was kitted out, and decided a quick run in elecktro would be sufficient to make my trek up north

Upon my arrival in Electro, i hear a bunch of people on direct com, so i investigate.

Prior to this, i always played an innocent survivor, teaming up and working together, this life was spent as a bandit.

There were two guys outside the church, trying to fix a bus, i knew what i had to do, landed two shots into them with my winchester. Since they were all using direct com, i could listen in to what they were planning, they though i was in the firehouse, shooting them with a winchester...

I decided to play on that info, i moved my way around te back of the church, disposing of another 2 survivors, trying to loot their friends.

They close the doors to the church

I looted some bodies real quick and find a akm with 2 mags, sufficient to deal with those still alive in the church.

I hide the akm in my bag, i throw the winchester down, and i ask for help

"HELP ME! im being shot at by some asshole in the firehouse!"

"We're in the church, it's safe inside."

I run in, only my pistol in hand, i thank them, reassure them im a noob, and share what little food and medical supplies i have.

then i wait, and it was worth it. they all made their way to the door, slowly crouch walking into the doorway, i make a quick move for my bag, take out my akm, load it and fire on those with guns, to deal with the real threats

they think the shots are coming from outside, those that did make it outside ran in, easier for me to deal with them.

after all was dealt with (the survivors and little zombies i attracted) i looted. M14 CCO, mp4SD... and array of food and water. I was overjoyed, i went outside (knowing there never was a real bandit in the firehouse, so it was relatively safe) i repaired the bus, loaded some more gear, and drove off

so far, being a bandit is great, i do not feel any guilt for those survivors, they made the wrong choices :3

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now see that pretending to be a survivor id say is semi badass. normally im really against it.

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saying "i just spawned,help me" and then kill is the best part of this game.dude,you should record your gameplay

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lol I think I was there at that bus, but a few hours before you. I tried to fix it up and then gave up when I couldn't find a toolbox. Were there any spare parts in the back of it, because if so I left them there.

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Good story, nice lieing. FUCKING SICK

Share loot or I will bum you

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ya i saw spare parts in the back

but on some of the bodies i found a toolbox :D

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sigh i can never seem to find this mythical toolbox

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After playin all day today. me and my clan manged two buses, a UAZ, and a offroad truck.

BTW we can accept one more member at the moment so message me if interested. we have 6 50 calibers along with arsenal of other high end weapons.

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After playin all day today. me and my clan manged two buses, a UAZ, and a offroad truck.

BTW we can accept one more member at the moment so message me if interested. we have 6 50 calibers along with arsenal of other high end weapons.

i would like to get in your clan ^^

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