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[DKM] Looking for some good Players.

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So, i have had this game for a few DayZ and already know more then just the basics, I studied the game before purchase and learned a lot. My first few hour's of the game were glorious (I'm not going into story mode so I'll skip to the point) I soon met another fellow survivor being chased, I shot the Zombies chasing him and we started surviving together with skype and tactics, we have recently made a clan called the [DKM]-Delinquent Killing Machines. So we are looking for some members, they need to be good at the game and not a complete noob. We have awaiting roles for coming players and must have Skype.

Please leave comments if interested :D

Edited by Dead_Shot

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I wouldnt class myself as a pro, i started yesterday but have been playing the tits off it :D

i currently have a group of 6 friends and we are looking for a clan, im currently the squads sniper and we have our own teamspeak hit me up a reply if your interested.

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I am game :) add me on skype - t3hjohnny

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I dont use skype anymore buddy as it messes with my headsets presets. so im afraid i cant do that :P

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I dont use skype anymore buddy as it messes with my headsets presets. so im afraid i cant do that :P

AH! Ok then, Well whats the teamspeak i.p and i can come on and sort some things out like roles?

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I would be very intrested in a clan like this. My skype is TheTaltsi, lets talk more indepth there, i dont want to give any strategic info here ;)

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yes please do

I tried adding "Jay.Murphy" and it said that name couldn't be found.

Try adding me dmcone3320

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Sup, Id love to join the clan! I've been looking for a group to play with for a while (The only problem with the other clans was they were only accepting 18+ ppl). If possible could we use Teamspeak? (I like it better because it has a better system and is less personal.) Dead_Shot, PM me back if you can, but I can't play until Sunday because I don't have a strong computer with me or even a headset ATM. I can fill any role you like but i'm probably best at scout/spotter (I have better then perfect vision and a 1080P monitor).

Edited by H. Badger

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I would love to play with you if you are still taking ppl. i have played the game 4 about 3 to 4 weeks and am just bord of playing solo.

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What timezone are you in? :)

Maybe I'll join.

I've played the game for a few weeks, so I know how it works.

I can play tactically too, and I can probably fill in what ever is needed.

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What timezone are you in? :)

Maybe I'll join.

I've played the game for a few weeks, so I know how it works.

I can play tactically too, and I can probably fill in what ever is needed.

I am in GMT and would love you to join, add my skype- Jay.Murphy

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If this is a "serious" squad you're forming, i'd like to apply as PDM (Predominantly Designated Marksman)

I've had DayZ for over a month, and I've been apart of 2 or 3 squads that have just fell apart because lack of players, i'd consider my self a Dayz veteran and i know moreless everything you need to know!


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if you are still looking for people, I could group up with ya,

got 1 month+ experience now and would love to join a big group.

info: 19 years old, gmt +1, netherlands, skype: tripzorro

gr, Trip

Edited by tripzor

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