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Hey, so I started playing yesterday and I wanted to ask how you people manage to find your friends on this.

The map is enormous and I haven't found a map yet, I can't really tell where I am most of the time what between the running in forests and hiding out in towns.

I've got three friends downloading Arma II and ready to play this maybe tonight...so any advice would be appreciated :)

on a side note, I'm loving it, it's a very punishing game but it's the exact feeling I wanted.

oh and nice to meet you all, my name's Juan Carlos.

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You will be hard-pressed to find friends in game. I won't lie. Most people are very cautious and paranoid of each other, for good reason. your best bet to find friends to play with is in the Survivor board on this forum. A lot of threads requesting buddies and partners to play with, even clans. There are good people playing, but like I said, in game even the good people can be a little trigger happy when they hear footsteps.

I was fortunate to join the game with a group of gaming friends I normally play with, but a lot of new players find Day Z a lonely and unforgiving place.

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Welcome to hell my friend.

It's honestly a common sense of direction actually. Using landmarks, road signs, etc. Clouds always go due East I believe so use that to your advantage as well. You can also if you don't mind meta-gaming, going to dayzdb.com and they have a map there you can use to get your bearings a bit easier.

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Thanks kreaol, I've got that map open but so far have only been able to pinpoint if I'm near water or not. :)

@Dingus I've gotten three friends to join me on this but truth is I don't have many gaming friends anymore so I'll likely see if we'll join a server frequented by nice people or something.

@Dancingg Sounds good! I didn't know about the clouds in the game always going east...that should make it a little easier.

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Guess it doesn't help that I'm the opposite of a GPS...I still get lost in cities I've lived in for a while.

I'm most likely going to be traveling and relying on someone else to do the mapping for me :P

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Guess it doesn't help that I'm the opposite of a GPS...I still get lost in cities I've lived in for a while.

I'm most likely going to be traveling and relying on someone else to do the mapping for me :P

I'm sure you'll catch on with enough play. Even without a compass or map, some simple real world nuggets of wisdom and a map ready to be alt-tabbed to can help you navigate a lot. Sun sets in the West, rises in the East. On a clear night you can identify the North star in game. Most roads run north/south or east/west. If the ocean is on your right shoulder, you are going either east or north. Things like that.

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I'm sure you'll catch on with enough play. Even without a compass or map, some simple real world nuggets of wisdom and a map ready to be alt-tabbed to can help you navigate a lot. Sun sets in the West, rises in the East. On a clear night you can identify the North star in game. Most roads run north/south or east/west. If the ocean is on your right shoulder, you are going either east or north. Things like that.

Thanks :) I'll write those down and keep em handy for when I go around later.

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