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How to do The Bandit dance?

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This is a question to all your veteran Bandits out there, how to you stalk, plan and kill your chosen target??

Iv only just started the Bandit life and so have not actually earned my skin.. but the two kills iv had are with my CZ and a nice camping spot over looking some fresh bodies...decoys if you will.

so my inexperience has led me here for advice..

oh and another thing do you ever "hunt" in the cities? in my point of view cities are far to enclosed and from my experience easy to fall prey to flanking or a horde.

any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


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You're bang on the money.

Stay far away with your CZ and shoot people before they even see you. Better than bodies, try camping the car spawns in Zelenogorsk, etc.

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Ah ha never thought about the cars... i remember checking all cars when i first started!

not worth my time around the airfields then??

ill hopefully have a wing man soon so itll be a two man kill team :D

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I killed 3 people today at the NW airfield with an M4. It was at night time, which for some reason seems like when people go there the most. The dudes I killed were pretty well kitted and it was worth it in the end. So I wouldn't say discount it, but you've got a much higher chance of dying. The fight was a direct firefight which you usually want to try and avoid. I'm not proud of doing this really, because it should never have come to that situation.

I would say the Airfield is incredibly dangerous, especially as a bandit with other survivors trying to murder you. Stick to northern towns, and pay close attention to the side chat. Hunting at night is also easier because they throw flares and shine flashlights around like mad men.

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The best idea is to stay out of sight at all costs. Most of the time this is very easy and i've been able to stalk people for up to an hour before I see the perfect oppertunity to get in close for a guaranteed kill.

If i'm spotted, usually I won't risk it and i'll run in the opposite direction and try to get myself lost in some forests. Getting into a firefight with people who know where you are is always too dangerous and unpredictable.

Sometimes thing go balls up and you don't have much choice and that's usually when my deaths occur.

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watch a cat hunting mice in a field

and then do that only you are the cat and people are the mice

Basically move low and slow, stay at range until you know where your prey is, and then slowly move forward, always staying in cover. If you hear them shoot, freeze and pinpoint their location. If you want to hit up the cities, find a hill with a good view of the lootable buildings and lie in wait for a unsuspecting victim. make your first shot count.

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I rarely have to hunt people down, but I also change speeds and direction constantly. If someone is tailing me, good luck lining anything up.

I have yet to tail someone, they usually duck into a building and make for an easy kill.

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I was going to write something insightful until I read

He who controls the beans' date=' controls the universe. [/quote']

Lul dune. Any how moving in a straight line makes you so dam easy to track especially if you drop the occasional flare.

Pro Tip for every mile you go north randomize your east/west by at least 50% as much ... for a average bandit you untraceable.

Assuming he dint see you move randomly ^^

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I'm loving the tips guys :)

So, was hunting a guy yesterday (my justification was that I was thirsty...)

Shot him twice in the center mass with my M4 didn't miss fired a few other rounds, not sure about them though.

Here's the kicker... He killed me before he died, him with some pistol me with an assault rifle...!! When to stop shooting? is my new question

Trying to conserve ammo and kill my target obviously didn't work for me...

I blame lag!!

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