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Never Ending Load Screen

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I apologize in advance if this was covered somewhere before but I've searched every where for an answer with no luck. I have no trouble getting to the player list but once I hit join and after the initial tank load screen I get an additional load screen that never seems to end. I've been at this screen for nearly 10 minutes with no progress, the load bar seems to be full but nothing happens. Does it just take that long to load or am I doing something wrong? Any info would be appreciated! Thanks

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Sorry I should have been more specific. I've been doing that and trying different servers with the same result as explained above. I can sometimes hear people talking in game at this load screen so its almost as if I'm in the game but not fully. I am fully updated to 1.7.2 as well so that's not the issue.

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I had several issues with Battleye while trying to install the mod and get it running.

I would join the server and then get stuck in a never-ending load screen. OR I would just get kicked from the server.

I fixed my issue by:

1. Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead (this is with Windows 7)

2. check the expansions folder and see if there is a folder called 'BattlEye'

3. If it isn't there, go back to the main OA folder and open the 'BEsetup' folder

4. Run the 'Setup_BattlEyeARMA2OA' program

This will manually install BE for OA, which steam had a hard time doing on its own.

Then, before you join a server, turn off any anti virus temporarily.

I know when my BattlEye tried to update, it failed because my Avast stopped the download.

Good luck! Any problems and I'll be glad to try and help.

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Thanks Venom I will try that! Also I don't know if this has to do with anything but I've started to notice at the player list that everyone else has a green name while my own is an orangey redish color. Not sure if that is a dead give away that something is wrong or just that I'm sitting in the player list screen and not in game.

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Thanks Venom I will try that! Also I don't know if this has to do with anything but I've started to notice at the player list that everyone else has a green name while my own is an orangey redish color. Not sure if that is a dead give away that something is wrong or just that I'm sitting in the player list screen and not in game.

I believe it is just a way to highlight your own name.

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I thought the same thing at first however I have seen a few others in the list with the same color besides myself. I did follow your instructions which led me to find no BattleEye folder in the expansions folder, I did what you said and now I have a BattleEye folder where it should be. Hoping that fixed it, will update.

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Success! Your fix worked perfectly Venom! Thanks for taking the time to help.

My pleasure! Glad I could help you out.

I had to learn that fix myself, couldn't find a single helping guide out there.

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