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Logout Timer

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I tried searching for something like this on the forums but was unable to find a post about it.

Could a logout timer be placed into the game to make everyone wait "10seconds" or however many second, to disconnect from a server?

I think this would be an easy fix for those people who love to disconnect during pvp fights or for people just running from zombies and get them to de-spawn by disconnecting.

I know alt-F4 would still work around this and i do not know if that can be removed from them game, but if it could then it would make people have to use the disconnect button.

Just thought i should throw this out there. Please let me know if this has already been discussed or considered before and i do apologize if it has already.

Sorry, i just found the other post for this discussion.

Edited by Soul_Killer

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Good idea. 10 seconds would be a perfect timer to logout imo. Longer than that, one of the zeds might find you, shorter, the pvpers would still abuse the disconnect system.

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I think a logout timer is a terrible idea....the same people asking for it will be complaining when they need to leave quickly, and someone loots them or kills them before there body despawns. A 5 or 10 min DC timer would be better, stopping players from reconnecting straight away.

Even then were still in aplha, and alot of peeps have connection issues...the more locked down the game starts to get in alpha the more players will have problems.....

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A better solution to Abortion would be to have the player remain in the server for a short amount of time after leaving.

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