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Game Tweaks?

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I was been excited to try this game and bought it when it was on sale on Steam.

After going through numerous errors and issues, i finally jump in a server. I immediately notice the lag and try to tweak some of the configurations and turned off mouse smoothing. It helped, but only a little bit, the game is still extremely laggy when looking at a forest or when i'm in a town.

My system specs:

Intel i5-2310 Quad 2.9 GHz

6 GB ram

Sapphire HD 5750 1 GB

It should be more then enough to run this game on medium-high settings without much lag but for some reasons, this game was horribly but horribly coded.

Edited by PixelBlast

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You could start by adding these two too your launch parameters:

-cpuCount=4 -maxMem=2047

After you've done that, head over to "C:\Users\<Your user>\Documents\ArmA 2" and open Arma2OA.cfg.

Change/add the following:

  • postFX=0;
  • AToC=0;
  • GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1;

Try adding/changing the first two, if you're still having trouble. Try adding/changing the last one as well.

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There are many things you can do to improve performance. I had a pretty comprehensive list of them, but then the forums ate my detailed post. Here's a few ideas to get you started:

Turn shadows to High or above…this puts their dependency on your GPU instead of CPU.

Defrag your hard drive.

Turn off post-processing.

Disable hyper-threading in your CPU (may need to go into BIOS to do this).

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